Mine Your Own Data Part 1: Explore your Patterns

erica thorneburg
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2017

By Erica Thorneburg, LMBT 00183, CEAS I

Free Images — Photos, Illustrations, Vector graphics: Digital, World

If you know how Google Analytics works, you know it is not completely accurate and certainly not precise for a number of reasons. If JavaScript is not operating on a user’s computer for whatever reason, the data is worthless. Fortunately, your body doesn’t need JavaScript…all data, your data is collected and stored automatically 24/7, right into your cells, tissues, organs, and systems, from multiple sources continuously and the best part is that it’s hack-proof! This stored information is available at any time you choose to access it. You’re probably asking yourself, ‘Why would I choose to access the information my body has for me?’

Well, I can think of a million reasons, but for time’s sake, I’ll choose the most obvious… to improve your life and your experience of life…to keep doing the things you love to do for as long as you can…to restore balance.

I don’t really know much about computers, I mean I can get around well enough, and if I need to learn how to do something I usually do, but mostly, I have to WANT to! My greatest connection to a computer is typically through the peoples’ bodies that show up at my door gnarly and mangled from working on them all day. Day in and day out, I serve the needs of bodies crying out for much deserved care.

Why do our bodies call for such attention? For starters, we ask a lot of and expect much from them. Although I have seen chronic symptoms in a few adolescent athletes, unless there is a specific event, injury, condition, etc. that changes our abilities in some way, our body delivers with very little complaint (no stats here, just 20+ years of experience) until we reach about 30–35 years of age. It is quite normal for our body to begin some mild nagging for more consideration at this point. By this time, our body has received and stored a lot of “information”. This information forms patterns…patterns in movement, perceptions, and our general “ways of being”. Google would love to get its hands on this information!

My therapist-mind often ponders on a positive way to utilize these patterns, rather than relate to them as if they are bad or something we need to fix…they are actually more like breadcrumbs on the pathway back to balance. What if we were just proactively listening and connecting with the information we are walking around with all the time…automatically self-correcting and re-balancing? How much better would we feel? How much longer and with greater ease could we enjoy life? What illness, injury or disease could we prevent?

Cultivate the Connection: The Power of Inquiry

If you are interested in fine tuning your ability to listen to the signals your body is sending with prevention as your end game, try this simple activity for the next 7 days, and notice what you discover.

Take a few moments every day to check in and mine your own data. You may find it most beneficial to write down anything that feels significant. Add to the list each day (remember to put a tick mark by any feedback that is really loud or recurring).

  1. What needs your attention? Is a specific part of your body “talking to you”? If there are multiple messages coming through, which one is the loudest?

This is the easiest of all. Chances are you already know what is bothering you. While the loudest “symptom” may not be the truest cause of your discontent, it certainly is awesome to experience relief from symptoms. More on relieving symptoms, in Part 2.

2. Why is it hurting? Have I really injured something or am I just overusing a part of my body? Is this the result of a recent incident or has it been happening for some span of time? Is there something to start or stop doing?

You may already know this as well and may even relate to this (whatever it is) as something insignificant. If you are not sure, keep listening for it…as soon as you experience the undesirable sensation, stop and notice what you have been up to. Begin to acknowledge “it” every time “it” happens.

Here’s a hint: it is probably something you are doing unconsciously and a lot of. Become conscious.

3. Am I experiencing tension, discomfort, or pain? What is the duration and frequency?

Identification of this type of information is going to help you decide what course and level of action to take to restore balance. Be sure to check out next week’s post; the focus will be more on “what to do”with your findings and how to recognize you may need to engage a professional rather than “DIY”.

These are just a sampling of questions to initiate the communication process with your own body. With practice, questions more specific to your particular situation will emerge. Follow every “breadcrumb” and trust you will find your way to a solution that best serves you and your body.

Pattern recognition is key to finding viable, long term solutions. Early detection is so powerful in that you will still have the energy to get ahead of the curve, be proactive and prevent further damages. The ability to listen and adjust accordingly to the signals your body is sending will keep you feeling your best and enjoying your activities to their fullest for years to come.

“Everything you need to know is within you. Listen. Feel. Trust the body’s wisdom.”




erica thorneburg

Seeker, explorer of life giving experiences. Body Therapy, Ergonomics and Wellness. LMBT 00183, CEAS I