Partnering The Right Padded Foot Protection (Socks) With The Right Shoes For Those With Diabetes
Buddha once said, “The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.”
Surely many of us take our feet for granted, but have you ever considered what your life might be like if you couldn’t feel the caress of the sand’s tiny grains underfoot as you stroll along the beach, the tickle of blades of grass between your toes, or even the gentle scrubbing of a pumice stone against your heels during a pedicure?
What may seem like inherently simple pleasures to us; however, are often no longer afforded to those who have diabetes. The 2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report survey findings are 29 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 86 million adults 20 years and older have prediabetes.
Wow! 115 million people in the United States either have or are heading towards diabetes.
So why should those with diabetes take a serious interest in their feet?
Why should those with diabetes wear the right padded foot protection (socks) with the right shoes?
Diabetes can cause serious problems for our feet in two main ways:
• Insensitivity or inability to feel heat, cold or pain due to diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) that often results from high blood sugar levels.
• Reduced blood flow due to damage to the small blood vessels in the legs and feet.
As a result, small cuts, punctures, blisters, ingrown toe nails and other breaks in the skin (and other damage) can happen without our knowledge. If this damage is not addressed, infection, ulceration, or potentially amputation could occur, in severe cases.
Daily foot exams are therefore essential to preventing foot problems for individuals who have diabetes. Additionally, myths and misconceptions about the relationship between the foot and the shoe can often lead to problems, particularly for the diabetic foot.
MYTH #1 — All shoes protect our feet.
False — Improperly fitted shoes are often the biggest cause of foot problems.
Here’s WHY it happens: Our foot is very dynamic and changes with every step as we walk or run. Our feet may lengthen by 1 ½ shoe sizes and widen by a full width when we put weight on them. The total part of our foot in contact with the shoe or the ground can increase 30% to 60% when we put our full weight on our feet from a non-weight bearing position. Since our shoes are static, they are unable to expand and contract the way our feet do. Blisters, pressure points, calluses, sore feet, heel pain and other conditions can result. Using an integrated approach to the fitting of Thorlos clinically tested padded foot protection (socks) for those with diabetes and shoes can prevent many of these foot problems from occurring.
MYTH #2 — All socks perform the same so any type or brand will do.
False — Socks and sock brands are diverse and do not protect our feet equally. Clinically tested Thorlos padded foot protection (socks) for those with diabetes functions as a buffer to protect our dynamic foot inside the somewhat rigid shoe. The padding in Thorlos (socks) has been clinically shown to reduce friction; lessen pounding and pressure; and wick away moisture from the skin’s surface. Thorlos® padded products protect more effectively because they are designed and engineered specifically for each activity, i.e. walking, running, tennis, or hiking. Many sock brands make claims that they can protect the feet of people with diabetes; but only Thorlos have been shown in clinical research studies to reduce pressures, moisture and blisters that can potentially lead to ulceration and amputation.
Thorlos clinically tested activity specific padded foot protection (socks) for those with diabetes are proven to wick away moisture from our skin and lessens the friction/shearing effect with movement which further adversely impacts moist skin. Acrylic or acrylic fiber yarn blends have been clinically tested and shown to be the most beneficial in keeping moisture away from the skin. Wool, while it does provide insulation when wet, along with cotton tends to absorb moisture-and-actually increases the friction/shearing effect rather than function as a protective barrier.
MYTH #3 — Our feet are perfectly matched
FALSE — Most of us have “mismatched” feet. There are differences between their lengths, widths, and volumes (the “girth” of the foot). These variations, however slight they may be, can present problems as we seek the right shoe size for our feet. Our shoes are naturally difficult to match and fit to our feet. Most footwear manufacturers, however, continue to produce identically sized shoes on the steadfast but inaccurate assumption that all feet are alike. An added component to the “sizing” issue is that sizes can vary from brand to brand, from style to style and even between geographic regions.
Understanding and expelling the myths above help us gain insight into a few reasons why we experience foot problems.
Let’s delve deeper into the causes of foot problems, and how Thorlos clinically tested padded foot protection (socks) for those with diabetes keep feet healthy.
Why Do We Experience Foot Problems?
The answer is simple. Most of the shoes we wear are relatively rigid in their construction and restrict the natural movement of our feet. Adding activities such as walking, exercising and working on asphalt, concrete and other hard surfaces further stresses them. Individuals who have diabetes are even more at risk.
Our feet change significantly both in size and shape when they move from a non -weight bearing to a semi- or standing weight-bearing state. Normally functioning feet not only widen but lengthen, too, as we stand on them. When we walk, run or exercise, stressors such as moisture, friction/shearing and pressure develop and can injure our feet.
Using Thorlos activity specific clinically tested padded foot protection (socks) for those who have diabetes, in the right sized shoes, can prevent most foot-related ailments and/or discomfort.
There are 3 common causes behind every foot problem, including diabetic foot problems. They are:
Moisture — similar to other areas of the body, our feet sweat naturally as a cooling mechanism (we sweat 1–2 ounces per hour). Over time, moisture enhances the friction and the shear forces that can damage the protective skin layer. Subsequently, blisters and/or other skin injuries can occur.
Friction/shear force on the skin — our feet slide back and forth horizontally as we move, and the skin’s surface can become irritated. Blisters can result from friction /shearing forces on our feet. Corns, calluses and bunions are typically the result of improperly fitting shoes. In fact, corns and calluses are actually thickened skin that occurs when there is significant pressure or friction against that part of the skin.
Pressure/Pounding –The fat pads on the bottoms of our feet help protect them from pounding, but these pads can become damaged over time. As we age, too, the fat pads dissipate, thus offering us less foot protection.
Thorlos Clinically Tested Padded Foot Protection (Socks) for Those with Diabetes — An Integrated Solution
Here’s an integrated approach to the right shoe selection and fitting process which includes Thorlos clinically tested padded foot protection (socks) for those who have diabetes. Thorlos clinically tested padding (socks) functions as a buffer that allows the foot and the shoe to become more compatible. Ideally, one should consider consulting with footwear professional and undergo a personalized foot type and gait assessment. Given that professional fitters are not available in most shoe retailers today, Thorlos has created a self-fitting protocol below that when followed precisely will result in an experience of comfort that ONLY your feet can confirm:
1. Select the appropriate, Thorlos activity specific clinically tested padded foot protection (socks), in the proper size.
2. While wearing the Thorlos, try on the activity specific shoe in your size normally worn (including any insert or orthotic normally used).
3. Walk around in the store.
4. If the shoe feels a little warm or snug, try increasing the shoe size by a width larger or if widths are not available try a ½ size larger. Continue to increase ½ sizes until your feet feel “just right.”
Using the Integrated Self-Fitting protocol ensures the best fit possible with a particular shoe brand– one that allows our feet the space to undergo their natural range of motion, but not to the degree that our shoes feel “sloppy” on our feet. Take these steps today toward a healthier and happier lifestyle that we/our feet deserve.
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