Self-Myofascial Release: Which method is right for you?

erica thorneburg
Published in
9 min readMay 10, 2017

By Erica Thorneburg, LMBT 00183, CEAS I

Free Images — Photos, Illustrations, Vector graphics: Myofascial, Release

Have you ever tried using a foam roller to release your own muscles only to discover that it either hurts, or you are not as flexible as the lady in the manual? If you find yourself the proud owner of a $40+ foam roller that just resides under the bed or tucked away in the closet, you are not alone! This woeful tale is all too familiar to me.

As soon as I recommend it to clients, I hear, “oh I tried that, it doesn’t work for me…it hurt too much…” Many times the method just didn’t fit the person. Honestly, it can be difficult to know what you are getting into without some guidance on which form or method of self-myofascial release(MFR)therapy best suits your lifestyle, body and personality type, and pocket book.

Self-MFR is not all that new, and foam rollers are not the only way to achieve the results…but for some reason this particular form has hit the mainstream…rolling around on the ground with foam rollers of various sizes and firmness is all current the rage. Pilates instructors, high school coaches, fitness trainers, physical therapists, and bodyworkers regularly incorporate “body-rolling” into sessions, workout routines and after-care programs. Self-care exercises such as these primarily exist to support the long term restoration and maintenance of the body’s structural balance as well as create more freedom of movement. Working with a professional in the gym or in the therapy room is more the short term part of the equation.

I am a firm believer that in order for any type of therapy to truly be effective, one must first be familiar with what that therapy fundamentally is; understand why it works, and how to apply it. Gaining specific knowledge is key to receiving the benefit. So what is myofascial release? If you look it up on Wikipedia, you are going to see what I consider to be weak attempt at down playing the benefits of a broad spectrum of soft tissue manipulation therapies. But, rather than go on a rant about how incomplete and misleading their definition is or how there is some conspiracy theory out there against alternatives to conventional medicine, I will offer you the simplest definition I come across in my many years as a professional bodyworker.

John F. Barnes, PT defines it as, “…a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.” He goes on to describe the full scope and benefit of this type of therapy as well as provide a scientific definition of the fascia. For the full definition and more information, go to:

This explains what MFR therapy is in the context of working with a professional, so do the same principals apply with self-application? Of course they do! And, I highly recommend making an appointment with a licensed professional before trying self-MFR therapy, especially if you are unsure of how it should feel. I say should because there does seem to be a common misconception that it has to hurt to work.

So here it is…the “Top 3” best and most effective methods of self-applied myofascial release which I have personally and professionally experienced…why and how they work, for whom they are best suited, where to find the required equipment, insight into cost, and finally, tips on how to get the best results.

#1 The MELT Method®

The “Gateway Drug” of self therapy!

Why & How it works…

This simple, yet incredibly effective self therapy “…uses specialized techniques, a soft body roller, and four different small balls to rehydrate the connective tissue, rebalance the nervous system, and restore space to compressed joints”.

Compression and relaxation help to melt away stress, pain and tightness held in the tissues.

Best suited for…

“Anyone who wishes to slow down the aging process and live pain-free. Helps women and men over-40 stay active, younger adults and athletes maintain a fit, healthy body and achieve optimal performance without debilitating wear & tear. Even children can benefit.”

Requires very good mobility and reflexes; best for individuals with the ability to get up and down off the floor easily.

Find equipment…

If you are a stickler for name brands you may purchase everything you need right on the official website. There is a variety of purchase options ranging from individual products ($14.95 to $69.99) to bundles (starting at $59.99 all the way up to $149.99).

Simply Mustbuy the book ($19.99)…Good…buy the 3 disk DVD set ($29.99)…Better…or look for a class and go for a few in person sessions (prices vary)…Best!

If you are on more of a budget, you can save a little using Amazon. Search “OPTP PRO-ROLLER”. You’ll have your choice of color, shape, firmness and price that will work with the program.

MELT brand products are also available Amazon…even the book and DVDs.

For best results…

Prepare for success. Respect your limits. Are you really physically tight and sensitive to touch? No worries, start with a “soft density” roller. Move up from there. This is SO important. The biggest complaint and barrier to enjoying the benefits of this method is that it hurts if you start with a roller that is too firm and generates pain in your body. The idea is to eliminate pain NOT create it!!

Not a self-starter or unlikely to do this on your own? MELT is quite popular and well known. Check out the website for classes in your local area or find a friend that has similar goals and do this together using a DVD.

Commitment!! It will not work if you don’t schedule it in. Set aside 10 minutes 3x per week to start. Once you get in the habit, it easily becomes the best way to end the day or a workout, or just prepare for a good night’s rest. 10 minutes…enough said!

#2 Miracle Balls

Good for the beginner to help develop ability to relax from the inside…“pre-melting” if you will! Also, a great addition to any seasoned self-care fanatic’s tool-box.

Why & How it works…

Similar to MELT, yet less direct. This self-therapy uses your breath, two squishy, air-filled balls, and the power of gravity to relieve pressure in joints and create space in the body. Comes with a fully illustrated instruction manual. Strategic positioning of balls allows for the spine and joints to “fall” back into alignment. Great for stress reduction.

Not for compression or trigger point therapy as much as it is a mind-body experience.

Best suited for…

Those seeking gentle pain-relief while recovering from an injury or surgery that are unable to take direct pressure to a specific area. A terrific compliment to an existing chiropractic, yoga, or massage program. Simple way to learn to relax from within while focusing on breath, connecting with core and allowing body to sink…ahhhh.

Requires enough mobility to get up and down off the floor without too much strain.

While it is not as effective, if you are super sensitive AND really struggle with getting up and down off the floor, these balls may actually be used for the neck, low back, hips and glutes on a couch or in the bed.

The effect on arms, legs and feet are very subtle.

There is another set designed specifically for pregnancy and includes its own illustrated instruction booklet.

Find equipment…

Very affordable! Amazon is the place to shop for this item, plain and simple. I have found it as low as $9.50 and as high as $14.00. The value of this product is not reflected in its price. I have been using my set for more than 15 years. I simply would not want to be without them.

For best results…

If you struggle with patience or have a tendency to be high strung, this is both the perfect self-therapy for you and yet, the absolute biggest challenge you can take on. This is not a get-better-quick therapy. Time, patience, and deep internal relaxation are required to experience benefits. If you are ready to take on the patience dynamic, then go for it! If not, take a pass on this self-therapy.

Great travel companions! These little babies fit nicely into a carry-on and weigh practically nothing. They have quite literally saved my life on many long trips. A great way to decompress after being cramped up in a car or plane. Super way to relax for that first night in a new place, if you struggle with that sort of thing.

Commitment, again, commitment. You will not experience the cumulative effects if you don’t take time for this activity on a regular basis. Set aside 10 minutes 3x per week to start. Build up to 5–7days/week if seeking relief. Once symptoms subside, bring them out as needed!

#3 Yamuna Body Rolling

This is the deep dive…‘BodySustainability’…Mastery level self-care! The original “body-rolling” technique and mother to all other forms of Self MFR.

Why & How it works…

Body Rolling is more than random movement and stretching. It reeducates muscles and stimulates bone, creating positive, permanent changes in your body. It just works on so many levels. Yes, you will find myofascial release, compression therapy, core strengthening, self-massage and relaxation all rolled up into a delightful set of 6–10 inch balls. The final result is visibly longer, sleeker muscle and the experience of increased range of motion and flexibility.

Best suited for…

Active adults and those seeking the next level of self-care to support an existing Pilates or Yoga regimen.

Requires core balance, coordination, and moderate to excellent flexibility.

Terrific form of self therapy for bodyworkers and the like to stay in tune with their own bodies…it is much easier to share this with clients if you have your own personal experience.

Find equipment…

Similar to MELT, the comprehensive line of products is available directly from the website, You can get started with ‘balls and essentials’ from $18.00 to $30.00.

There is much to explore and too many options to describe in detail here. Take it as deep as you like…from education to body rolling and beyond…Yamuna is a lifestyle as well as a therapy.

Just to get started, though, I recommend going to Amazon to purchase the ‘Yamuna Body Rolling Gold Ball Kit’ ($52.17). Kit includes gold ball, a pump for inflating and deflating the balls, and Total Body Rolling DVD. The gold ball is the least firmness. From there you can “graduate” to harder, denser silver ball which goes deeper into tissues. There is also a “pearl ball” which is the same density as the gold ball yet slightly smaller making it better suited for smaller spaces, such as the armpits…also, great for travel.

For best results…

All that I have said before applies to Yamuna.

Bottom Line: This is not an event, this is your life.

Spend enough time with your Yamuna Ball(s) to get the results.

If you want to experience your best body and truly feel good in it, DO THIS!

In conclusion

Each of the methods I have shared is grounded in the following process.

The connection begins at the superficial level, where the ball (or foam roller), your body (the skin in particular), and the floor meet. This action stimulates proprioception (sensory input to the nervous system), preparing the connection between body and mind. Next, you breathe in (creating tension and compression) and then, out (releasing tension, allowing the body ‘drop’, stretch, relax to the floor); with this, another level of awakening occurs…this is the exact moment of mind-body connection. A series of internal events begin to click off like a domino effect…fascia stretches, blood and lymph move, synapses fire, the parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest) kicks in and we are free. A brief, yet absolutely delicious freedom in the body is experienced. The power and beauty of this encounter with self cannot be captured in words really.

Pick your method…the one that speaks to you and go with it. I hope to at least have peaked your curiosity!

To learn more about proprioception, go to:

Check out this simple comparison of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems, go to:



erica thorneburg

Seeker, explorer of life giving experiences. Body Therapy, Ergonomics and Wellness. LMBT 00183, CEAS I