Chief Technology Officer

Carl Martin
>we (More Than We)
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016

It’s been 7 weeks since I started life on Wurq, and in that time I’ve covered a lot of ground. That said, I’ve not been able to cover as much ground as I’d have liked, thanks to the absence of a technical partner.

That isn’t through fault of not trying however! I’ve been on the case of many of the great technical people I’ve worked with down the years, but sadly although many are excited by the potential of Wurq, they quite simply aren’t in a place to take risk right now (mainly young families to support — totally understandable).

As such, that means making another conscious push to do a more public search for a technical partner — someone who I hope won’t just take ownership of the technology, but someone who has the potential to join me as a co-founder.

So who are you looking for exactly?

  • Someone to play their own part in shaping the vision and building out the product team from scratch, with a view to becoming a co-founder and CTO.
  • Someone to lead and own the technology. You’ll be someone trusted to make fundamental platform decisions, and leave your mark on the product as it grows. As such you’re probably a full stack engineer.
  • I’m looking for someone with the potential to be a true partner on this for the next 5 years. I’m not looking for someone to just ‘build my thing for me’.
  • Someone who believes in the vision and is excited about bringing it to life.
  • Someone to collaborate with, who can get stuff done, and wants to enjoy the journey.
  • Someone who wants to learn from me, just as much as I want to learn from them.
  • Someone who is highly collaborative, who recognises and embraces the value of the collective mind.
  • Someone who is never afraid to speak their mind, and does so with both absolute clarity and with the intent of pushing things forward.
  • Someone who is personable, sociable, and easy going.
  • Someone who is open to feedback from your the people you work with, to benefit personal development and learning.
  • Someone who regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability or ability, believes in the power of diversity, and is passionate about working with diverse teams and people.
  • Someone who wants to solve big problems that make peoples lives exponentially better.

And what exactly is Wurq?

Well, nothing I want to share too publicly right now, but I can tell you it’s focussed on personal and professional development. Imagine Linkedin for the Snapchat generation…

Any more than that?

Well no. I’ve also defined a set of values, which will be used to guide and shape the products and services we create.

So what do you want from me?

So hopefully I have your attention! Or at least, if you aren’t interested, you might know someone who is. So from you I need the following:

  1. Please share this far and wide! I want to give myself the best chance of finding an amazing partner for Wurq.
  2. As per my post many moons ago, I am actively seeking to build a diverse founding team, as I truly believe it is nigh on impossible to build a company today that intends to builds and serves a diverse community without diversity being baked in from day one. So if you know (or are!) incredible women, men/women of colour, men/women with disabilities, who are exceptional technologists and potential CTO’s, I want to hear from them! Do what you can to support those awesome people around you.

You can reach me directly on, or on Twitter at (at)carlmartin, or alternatively, apply via here, where there are some more details on the role:

And no recruiters or agencies please! Thanks.



Carl Martin
>we (More Than We)

Artist, activist, and adventurer .Culture, Coaching and L&D at early stage venture firm Forward Partners.