How Wurqs is using diversity and inclusion to create a new space for everyone to learn and grow

Introducing our new monthly event series, Everybody Wurqs

Carl Martin
>we (More Than We)
4 min readFeb 27, 2017


Wurqs is being built with a very clear point of view about the future of work and careers in mind. We believe in great people over great talent, authenticity as well as achievement, and growth alongside grind. In this future, emotional intelligence and empathy become the primary skills sought by employers, yet they are the hardest to ‘train’.

Building EQ and empathy only comes from spending more intentional time listening to and learning from a diverse range of people, yet we recognise that not only are opportunities to meet these people hard to come by, but safe spaces to have honest and non-judgemental conversations are also non-existent.

And that’s why we’ve launched Everybody Wurqs. This monthly event series will provide an opportunity for anyone and everyone to build their EQ and empathy, by meeting new people and learning more about their perspectives and experiences. So what do these events look like?

First up, we find help you meet other attendees.

There is nothing worse than being placed in a room full of people and still not knowing how to open conversation. At every event we will do what we can to break down those social barriers with ways to break the ice. Unless you want to be on your own, it is our goal to ensure you aren’t.

Next, we aim to inspire you with a radically unique personal story.

Everyone has their own story, but we believe it is those truly special stories that have the power to kickstart and ignite personal growth. For our launch event, we were delighted to welcome Emma Lawton, Creative Director at SPIXII to share her story. Emma was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at just 29 years of age, and in such an accessible and light hearted way, told us about how her life and career has changed since her diagnosis.

Finally, we provide a forum for discussion about topics relating to the world of work and careers.

It is only the most progressive workplaces that create a culture, or even carve out dedicated time and space, that allows for open and honest conversations. We want to provide a safe place where everyone can be heard, and engage in dialogue to better understand the challenges and opportunities of building a career today.

These events are far from our end goal as a company, but our goal is to work out how to use technology to scale this innately personal experience. We want to ensure relationships and human beings stay front of mind in the world of work, and provide compelling and unique opportunities to share with and learn from the people around us.

For those of you in London, our next event is on the 23rd March at General Assembly Aldgate. Keep an eye on for details.

A huge thank you to the team who helped bring the night to life: Nanci, Rose, Victoria, Nitika, Genevieve, Sarah.

A big thank you to our partners ustwo and Ugly Drinks for supporting the event.

And thank you to Jessica for shooting the event for us! You can check out her work at



Carl Martin
>we (More Than We)

Artist, activist, and adventurer .Culture, Coaching and L&D at early stage venture firm Forward Partners.