Designing some Design Principles

The things I learned and learned what to improve

Morgan Munson
Morgan Munson Portfolio
3 min readAug 4, 2017


I entered into college excited to design more and learn what I could do to improve. I had just a little taste of what some of the Adobe programs could do. So, when I got placed in my first design class I was eager to learn. When the class started we picked some design principles each week to create documentation about. As I was working through each of the design principles it helped me grow as a designer. We talked about the good and the bad for each principle.

After going through a good variety of principles we started designing small projects that would lead to a big project. So, there were simple things that we got started on like shapes, lines, type, colors, pictures, icons, and etc.

Creating these different helpful principles helped me in creating a bigger project in the end. Each of these different principles were going to be used in one final project.

We were working towards a business page, cards, logo, and overall design for our final project. So, working with unity, typography, and color harmonies things started to take shape of the type of design I wanted to create.

For the final project things took shape when I was able to take all of the best parts of the design principles and place them into one file. It all started to flow and make sense why we were doing all of these design principles. I have learned so many new principles and ways to create a better project. Using specific rules and guides to follow are truly what us as designers need to follow. I am so glad that I will be able to take these new skills into the rest of my future design.

To go and see how these skills have impacted my web design skills head on over to Morgan’s Photo and Design and take a look around.

Morgan Munson is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem Utah, studying Interaction & Design. The article relates to (Digital Media Design) in the (DGM 2271 Course) and representative of the skills learned.

