Update to the Way Medium Organizes Publications

Mormon Open Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2016

As you may have noticed, several of the stories in the publication are now out of order. This is because Medium recently changed the order of stories in publications so that they are ordered based on when they were originally written rather than when they were added to the publication.

i.e. If you decide to add a story you wrote several months ago to the publication, it will no longer appear at the top of the page.

I emailed Medium Support to ask about the change, and I got this reply:

Bummer. I can understand why they went with something that a lot of users were asking for (how many is “a lot”?), but I don’t know why they didn’t keep the old way as an option. This obviously makes republishing old content here a lot less fun/practical because it can be lost down-page among all of the older stuff.

I’ve looked around at some of the big-name publications, and they seem to still be organized according to the older method (special privileges?). Hopefully they allow smaller publications this ability soon.

Until then, I just wanted you guys to know what’s going on. Thank you all for making our publication such a great place to read and write. :)

