What is Mormon Open Blog?

Mormon Open Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2016


We’re the largest Mormon community on Medium. Posting here is easy and it helps your work be seen by more people.

For those who post their work elsewhere, (Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, etc.) we also allow republishing of articles here. When you use Medium’s import story tool, each of your posts will contain a link at the bottom that leads people back to your original blog.

“But, isn’t re-posting bad? I heard somewhere that it’s bad for SEO.” Re-posting onto Medium actually boosts your original blog’s Google search rankings. The Medium staff wrote a short article about this. Linked below:

But it’s also totally cool if you just want to blog directly on Medium. Whatever floats your boat. :)

You have full control over your content.

You choose which of your posts to submit (even old ones), and all of your work will be 100% attributed to you as the author.

We will never edit your posts.

You can also retract any of your posts from Mormon Open Blog at any time, and they will remain on your Medium profile page.

How do I start?

  1. Set up a Medium.com profile if you don’t already have one. It only takes a minute, and it’s free.
  2. Email me at MormonWriters@gmail.com telling me your Medium username, and I will add you as a writer. As a writer, you can submit posts whenever you want. You can also retract any of your posts from the publication at any time.
  3. Write your posts directly on Medium — or…
  4. Use Medium’s “Import Story” tool if your post is already written elsewhere (such as a Wordpress blog). This tool is found when you click on your profile picture in the upper right corner. Just copy and paste your blog post’s URL. It usually only takes a few seconds to import. (It even imports your post’s links and pictures).
  5. Submit your published posts to Mormon Open Blog. Submit by clicking on the three small dots at the bottom right corner of your post (these dots don’t show up in edit mode). A small menu should appear with the option to “add to a publication”. Your post should be accepted by one of the editors and will show up both on the publication and on your Medium profile page.

Be a pioneer with us.

This is a new thing. Nothing exactly like this has been done before for the LDS blogging community. Well, I mean, Mormon group blogs have been done before (lots of times), but this is more of an open platform rather than a closed group of individuals.

Again, if this is something that interests you, just shoot me an email at MormonWriters@gmail.com and mention your Medium username. I will add you as a writer in the publication settings so you can begin submiting your work whenever you feel like it.

We’re excited to to have you join our publication.

Some post script:

Submission Criteria

1) Submissions should be related to LDS religion and/or culture in some way.

2) Nothing militantly against the LDS religion. We’re a faith-friendly publication. That said, we accept writing from across the liberal-orthodox faith spectrum.


The views and positions expressed by writers and commenters on Mormon Open Blog do not necessarily represent the official views and positions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

