Member-only story
Why I Don’t Want To Share My Faith Journey With Faithful Churchgoers
Why I Can’t Talk About My Faith In Religious Settings
“Are you still going to church?”
“So… what do you believe these days?”
“Are you mad at God?”
These questions, and countless others like them, are questions I find myself politely declining to answer on a regular basis.
I know they are well-intentioned.
I know that the question-asker is typically asking from what they believe to be a loving place.
And, honestly, I’m desperate to share my story.
But the truth is, if you’re an orthodox churchgoer, I don’t think I can share my faith journey with you.
Here’s why:
I Want To Be Faith-Promoting
I used to be an all-in, without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt, orthodox believer. My church (and my faith) meant everything to me.
The church gave me a value system that I shared with my family and closest friends.
The church provided me with rites of passage, structured organizations, and programs that helped me “say on the path,” and feel like I was making decisions that were good and right.