The Honey Boo List: Part 1 — Cooking

Morning Boo
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2019


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It’s International Women’s Day this Friday and March is also Women’s History Month, but as a two-women household, female-centric issues are always top of mind for us regardless of whether the rest of the world is paying closer attention. One idea we discuss frequently is that within lesbian/queer/gay relationships, there aren’t implied or assumed domestic roles, e.g. who kills the bugs?, who takes out the trash?, who cooks the meals?

We completely get that not all straight couples are running around playing 1950, (shoutout to King Princess), and we also get that a woman’s worth is so much more than what they do or don’t do in the domestic space. But, we’re two women who work full-time, live together, and also share a household. So, in this series that we’re calling The Honey Boo list, we’re going to talk about how we split up tasks in our relationship.

To Start, Let’s Get Cooking

I (it’s Audrey’s here) take care of the cooking in our house, because I’m super picky and enjoy cooking healthfully which according to my partner (the other half of Morning Boo) makes me an intimidating figure to wine and dine. I also genuinely enjoy the act of cooking and went to Culinary school when I was younger. But, I’m not over here cooking up a twelve course meal every night. I approach preparing food at home in the same way I think about brushing my teeth — it’s simply a necessity.

Although I do all the cooking, we discuss meal prep together and grocery shopping once a week is usually a team task. We add items via the convenient TeuxDeux app so that we can divide and conquer at the grocery store. If you’ve ever been to a downtown Trader Joe’s, you understand the importance of getting in-and-out as quickly as possible. And since I make the dinner, Monica typically does the dishes while watching whatever lesbian show she’s currently binging (see Juliantina).

Sometimes, dinner ends up simpler than originally intended or sometimes the dishes wait until morning, but cooking at home the majority of nights is something that’s important to both of us. The time investment we spend to curate a menu and set ourselves up for the week ahead is far worth it to us in the long run — given the time we get back from not scrambling and arguing over what to eat.

We’ll be following up with more little snippets into our lives in the coming months. We’re also curious to hear from you on how you split up tasks with your partner/significant other. Let us know in the comments.

