Adaptation vs Expectation

Lora Coleman
Morning Musings Magazine
2 min read2 days ago
a clear cube taking on the pattern of its surrounding
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

In a city where the air was filled with the ceaseless soundtrack of car horns and tik-tok reels, Hannah found herself disassociating- staring at the collection of mealworms she had prepared. Doing whatever she could to take away this familiar feeling of another failed relationship.

“I just feel like I don’t even know the real you,” Mia’s chirp cut through Hannah’s trance.

“I… I need someone who is confident in who they are, someone who stands out.”

That was the last thing Hannah truly heard before Mia shuffled out of her life, leaving a dirt trail behind her.

Photo by Darya Tryfanava on Unsplash

Hannah found herself back in the dwelling of Dr. Carlton, a well-known therapist for her kind.

Helping city dwellers navigate the modern life”, Hannah read on the glass wall before her.

Dr. Carlton’s office was scattered with multiple colored leaves and shards of mirrors found from the streets, but Hannah could hardly stand to look at their reflection anymore. Dr. Carlton left Hannah with some encouraging clicks.

“You must find your true identity! I suggest you come in more often. I will not rest until you have succeeded in your goals of standing out!”

notes and crumbled up paper of contrasting colors
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Hannah felt pumped up! They left some crickets at the hostess desk and crawled away. Today was going to be different!!

Hannah would no longer hide behind the masks of conformity!

Hannah, the gecko, walked out determined as ever to stand out!!!

As Dr. Carlton got fatter on his prey.

