Author Versus AI — It’s GO Time!

2 million+ words in a year, here we gooooooooo!

Alison McBain
Morning Musings Magazine
2 min readApr 23, 2024


Images from Pixabay

It’s GO time! Author Versus AI has officially started! I will be writing a book a week (40k words), for a total of 2 MILLION words over the next 365 days.

What makes me think I can write a book a week? Well, here’s my journey so far:

And who the heck am I to try this? Well, here’s a bit about me:

I have 250+ short stories, poems, and articles published worldwide in a variety of magazines and journals. My last book The New Empire won/was a finalist in over 13 awards, and I wrote it in 2 months (with a loooooong break in the middle, but who’s counting?). When not writing, I’m a freelance editor and ghostwriter, and I’ve worked with celebrity clients as well as NY Times bestselling authors. On top of that, I help run two magazines, one of which you’re reading now (Morning Musings Magazine).

If you’d like, feel free to hop over to my website Author Versus AI to follow along with my weekly progress for writing a book a week. I’ll be doing fun things to…



Alison McBain
Morning Musings Magazine

Alison McBain is the writer behind Author Versus AI. She writes fiction, nonfiction & poetry, ghostwrites & edits books.