God’s Gift: The Source of Understanding

A coffee journal

Ginni Chauhan
Morning Musings Magazine
2 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Ben Vaughn on Unsplash


10:30 pm

I refrain from sharing too much about my beliefs in my writings. Not the beliefs pertaining to the world and living. But the core beliefs that have shaped my understanding of the world.

I think some sense of privacy, if not secrecy, should be allowed to prevail when nurturing yourself towards your ideal self.

Self-improvement, self-growth, self-love, or self-discovery — whatever you may call it — doesn’t make the writing dishonest. If anything, it’s done to protect the foundation of everything shared in writing.

One would irk about my sudden fiddling with the idea of secrecy in writing and belief systems whilst discussing coffees in cafes. The art and science of living are incomplete without a quaint admiration of life, albeit in prose or even as a humbled gesture of divine faith.

I had found myself brooding longer than usual after these entries. I thought of these episodes of silence and aloofness as the natural response to the act of observing my thoughts in words. The stereotype, if not the archetype, of ‘The Writer’. It was only during a conversation with a colleague on the sacred topic of a common religion and regionally suitable righteous action that I found the missing part of my lost expression and enthusiasm.

I refrain from the mention of religions, higher implications of our mundane motivations, or even direct confrontation of my words with the names of GOD, but today I was guided to it like thirst guides to water.

It is a relief to me. My inhibition has played its part, and the clarity of my thoughts can lead to a deeper understanding. For it is very hard otherwise to control your intellect from dissecting too much.

My father told me once, ‘Only by the discipline of faith can you put a lid on the shakti (power) you gather.’ By grit or God’s grace, however you may attribute it.

The reference to coffee is an easier one. Like each cup is limited in content, so is each life. It is wise then to mention God and the gifts of life, much like we do theorizing living, in that very limited time. It ought to do some good. Moreover, how could you deconstruct a cappuccino to find an espresso inside? Like espresso forms every part of a cappuccino, so does life.

God is to life as an espresso is to a cappuccino. Period.



Ginni Chauhan
Morning Musings Magazine

I write what I feel. I write over cups of coffee. It's never enough, that's why I do it again. https://buymeacoffee.com/ginnichauhan