Grandad Jokes, Batch #16

Richard Seltzer
Morning Musings Magazine
3 min readOct 18, 2021


Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

From the section “Nonsensical Science, Philosophy, History and Religion” in the book Grandad Jokes


To spice up your life,

add a pinch of doubt.


Each of us has two I’s.

None of us has two You’s.

That’s an imbalance.


The song of life has no refrain,

and there is no second verse.

It doesn’t go on and on.

It’s a universe.

(You learn that at the university.)


The bible of excretionist philosophy:

Peeing and Nothingness.


11th Commandment —

Honor thy world

and treat it with care and respect.


What did the washcloth say?

How now brown towel.


As an expression of faith in life after death,

they installed a porta potty in the cemetery.


God created the world from scratch.

So in the beginning

there was the itch.


The rabbi with x-ray vision

was the inventor of rabbiology.


Where can I find a round corner?

I hear that everything I want is there.


She wanted to teach him how to swim.

But when she took him to the pool He walked on the water.

“Why did you do that?” she asked.

“You have to learn to walk before you can crawl.”


He challenged the claim that mankind originated in East Africa,

on the grounds that the theory was leakey.


Jesus never meant to stay.

He was just crossing over.


As Douglas Adams knew,

it takes forty-tude

to make sense of the universe.


As death approached,

the cockroach prayed fervently

that he not be reincarnated as a human.


Someone asked what an empath is.

I replied —

The M-path through the woods

is right next to the N-path.

It’s the path less traveled by.


Why was the head of government called the PM?

Because he didn’t like to get up before noon.


The universe is a one-line poem

without rhyme or reason.


People in serious demand

for their skills and brilliance

aren’t just important.

They are exportant.


The priest bought a thousand printers,

in hopes he would be Canonized.


In chess, find moves that both attack and defend,

that perform two or more functions.

That’s like giving yourself an extra move.

Do similarly when making real world decisions.

That’s like giving yourself more than one life.


The scientist was wrong again.

He was often wrong.

But he was making progress.

Each day he was on a different wrong of the ladder.


His aim wasn’t truth.

He didn’t believe in absolute truth.

Rather he sought new and suggestive perspectives.

He wanted to climb to new wrongs of the ladder.


We all see the world not as it as,

but rather refracted.

We are all in prism.

That is our sentence.

But what is our paragraph?


What did God say when he wanted

to seduce a woman?

“Eat, drink, and be Mary.”

Buy the book Grandad Jokes at Amazon

List of Richard’s other jokes, stories and essays.



Richard Seltzer
Morning Musings Magazine

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,