Lent Day 30 — Does the fun ever wear off?

Time moved slower in 12 CE. Mary, Joseph, and young Jesus walked from Nazareth to Jerusalem for Passover.

The prompt for today is what makes me happy.

I was used to tight schedules. That changed when I learned to be more patient getting myself around now that I have an electric vehicle.

When I first got the EV I thought it was like a gas car. After I added several hours to road trip plans, I was more at ease. People were happy I was early rather than later.

Now that I’m old, my observation about my peers, we’re not very happy — mostly health problems and people kicking the bucket.

I do have good memories of my Hastings College days when life was more carefree. My college friends are my closest and I’m looking forward to our 50th reunion in 2025.

Jesus was a carefree and self-entertained 12-year-old when he listened to the Jewish leaders. I think he was an inspired savant.

His parents headed home and thought Jesus was hanging with his friends. Instead, he was still at the temple, like Kevin in “Home Alone.”

As Jesus aged, his message was the same but the stakes got higher and the cuteness wore off.

When I return to campus, I wonder how everyone will be? The last time we met up was in 2015.

Mary and Joseph backtracked and three days later, Jesus confused them when he said he was better off at his father’s house.

His parents didn’t think anything of it, since Jesus was a pretty good kid.

I’m looking forward to the trip back to Hastings. I know we’ll all share a few laughs. My question is, do I drive my EV and risk range anxiety or rent a car and arrive at ease?



Alan O'Hashi, Views from Behind the Lens
Morning Musings Magazine

Have Typewriter-Will Travel: I’m a filmmaker & author. My book “Beyond Heart Mountain” was just released by Winter Goose Publishing www.beyondheartmountain.com