Morning Musing №105: Be Total in What You Do

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water


Photo by Good Free Photos on Unsplash

Snowy egrets don’t crave to be more,
fly higher or even whiter.

They don’t crave superpowers,
to become a golden eagle.

They glide,
as if carried by the current of grace
onto the banks of the river.

In small steps,
focused on a single task,
they find food.

As they find food
they sink their invisible legs slightly
not to wound the water.

That water is their precious realm,
everchanging waters,
like the flight of a snowy egret
gliding on the banks of the river
focused on a task at a time.



Martin Heiland-Sperling
Morning Musings Magazine

- I think and write - My path to self-awareness through human observation - more in About page -