Read This to Stop Getting Jealous

Why do you get jealous seeing others succeed

Morning Musings Magazine
3 min readNov 13, 2021


Being consistent is very hard when doing something out of the box, especially if people surrounding us are doing better in their respective fields. But the hustlers are always trying to correct the mistakes that they made on the previous day. I know it is a very toxic behavior of getting jealous.

The following points mentioned below can be the reasons for being jealous.


Photo by Duane Mendes on Unsplash

The temptation of instant gratification and receiving things very easily

The generation that I belong to has a smaller attention span than ever before. People receive the highs of dopamine quickly. The motivational drive to achieve has decreased exponentially. “Good things take time,” was once said by my father to me when I was almost losing all hope inside me.

Many people fail because they give up too easily, either focussing on work or dreaming about success.

Not consistent

Consistency is the key to everything. We can’t expect something to be achieved overnight. When they try something new, most people begin with the mindset to finish without fear of failure.

People just cannot handle the pain we go through when we fail. In fact, failure is so important to learn from our mistakes and grow. We go through it so many times. I had a panic attack after I lost all the money when something good happened.

The commitment you have made to yourself is to do and get that reward that you dream about. The reward you give to yourself and others will only increase your value if you are consistently feel good about yourself.

When you are consistent and commit yourself to something you start, you start valuing yourself more. Consistency is like a snowball that needs the most effort only during the beginning and, once it starts rolling, the momentum eventually starts to build up.

The determination, discipline, and dedication that we learn is only by working hard. The tool is to grow exponentially in life. The momentum which we are creating pays benefits for our whole life. Assets can be built only through hard work and perseverance.

Unless we are the millionaire kids, born with a silver spoon in our mouth, who are gifted and blessed with all facilities without even moving a nail, we need to work day and night to beat the competition. Nowadays, people with awesome procrastination skills and habituated to shortcuts think they are doing something great for themselves.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

We alone fight for the dreams we see. Waiting for something magical to happen leads to nothing but an empty hand with guilt and jealousy.

A person who is serious and motivated won’t give themself a chance to let their self-worth down. Always being ready to learn something new is a characteristic of someone who never fears committing mistakes and moves forward. A person learning a new lesson is the one who actually deserves to be praised for their success and, rather than getting jealous of them, we should learn to do more good than they did.

When we are working day and night, even the darkness still scares us, making us think that our decision was wrong. There are days when we question our self-worth and value. There’s always a solid reason to continue the work.

Most people are focused on seeing other people grow, and that is the energy that is to be invested for purpose and work. The sooner they realize that, the better their chances are that they spend their time going in the right direction. We can neither stop other people nor let them down. The only control we have is over ourselves, so the more time we spend building ourselves, we will reap benefits in the future.

