The Girl That Saved The World From Plastic

And the subconscious reason for writing a story like this.

Ameekar Yadav
Morning Musings Magazine
4 min readDec 5, 2021


Photo by Revieshan on Unsplash

Carly didn’t like to study that much and was often in detention at school.

Her parents were scientists. The family trained the pet dog to help like a scientist at their workplace.

One afternoon while she was watching the news, Carly realized how harmful plastic was to the environment — land, sea, animals, birds, marine life, humans, and the food we eat.

She told her parents about it, and they gave her some advice that evening as they were walking along the seaside.

The next morning, which was a Saturday, she stayed home and read all the science books she had.

Then she went on the computer and learned all she could about plastics. How they were made, what they were made of, and what happened to them once they were used.

After lunch, Carly started building a machine, but she knew she would need some help.

She remembered there was a science conference that was happening online. All the world’s great scientists would be there, and children could ask them questions.

Carly asked her mom to allow her to have her tea and biscuits in her room, as she would be on the computer during the designated tea time.

She got to ask her questions after other children asked theirs. The scientists were puzzled by her questions but answered them and explained to her all she needed to know.

Then Carly and her parents went for a drive in the beautiful warm afternoon sunshine. She loved looking outside at the people, houses, and trees.

She listened to music and had a notebook with her as well. Whenever ideas or solutions came to her mind, she wrote them down in the notepad.

Her parents told her they had a party organized at home that night. Carly asked to be excused, and she was given permission.

She wondered what was for dinner and was told it would be a pizza party. Now Carly couldn’t be happier, as it was her favorite food.

Carly’s dad helped her by bringing the table from his room into her room during the afternoon. She needed a big workspace for her project.

Now the party at Carly’s home was in full swing. Carly was in her room writing things on paper and figuring out equations.

During dinner time, her mom brought her pizza and fruit juice. She noticed Carly was busy.

Now the party was over, and her parents were sleeping. Only Carly’s room lights were on, as she was still working on her science project and machine.

“Eureka!” Carly shouted just before midnight. To celebrate, she ate a few more slices of pizza, brushed her teeth, and then went to sleep.

The next day, she showed the machine she had created to her parents. The brilliant thing about this machine was whatever type of plastic was put in it, the device converted it into reusable energy in a safe and time-saving manner.

On Monday, Carly’s parents didn’t go to work, and Carly didn’t go to school. Instead, her family took her and her machine to the prime minister’s office and showed her how it worked. Then the prime minister called the top people in the recycling departments around the country, and they all saw how the machine worked.

Carly was awarded some funds to further her research into helping planet Earth, nature, the humans on it, as well as all types of animals. Her machine got replicated, and people used it all over the world.

“We need more young girls and boys like Carly. They help the world, nature, the people in it, and the animals,” The Prime Minister said on the TV news. “They make it a better, safer, and healthier place.”

Carly also thanked her parents in a speech on the TV for teaching her to have a problem-solving mindset or a growth mindset.

The subconscious reason why I wrote this story.

I think the world works like this. For example, the above story is fiction, and it would be very hard to create something like the machine Carly made, but I think if anyone hears of a problem, unsolvable or complicated to solve one, especially when they are young, they will subconsciously pick up bits of information from the experiences, school, learning, life, failures more than wins, interactions with people, society, media, books, films, internet, social media, etc. to solve the problem they were curious about.

All that knowledge will crystallize over a period of time and one day bear fruit or transform into an answer that was unanswered in the brain so many years ago.

