Three Lives Intertwined

My tiny rescue family heals me as I help them heal

Frost Corvus
Morning Musings Magazine
2 min readMay 20, 2024


If you have read any of my Morgan stories, then you know him as a wise dog who has been exposed to too much BBC. He speaks in a gentlemanly way with wise quips.

In reality, he is a 4-year-old Catahoula Mastiff mix, recovering from a nightmarish past of being set on fire, starved, and dumped. Morgan’s list of fears include: dark flooring, rain, vehicles, bathrooms, storms, flies, new buildings, new smells, baths, and scales.

Photo by author of Morgan struggling.

Morgan’s sister, Mercury, is a fearless 11-month-old, White Shepherd, Chow Chow, and Rottweiler mix. She was picked up by animal control at a very young age so she wasn’t exposed to the types of horrors as Morgan. Mercury’s fear is not enough food. She eats like she has no idea when food may come again.

Who am I? Well, I am a slightly crazy ginger Witch with autoimmune issues and a heart that wants to save every dog in need.

The three of us comprise a little family.

It has taken me two years of working together with Morgan to get him through most of his fears. Although he still will not enter a bathroom, he has many triumphs. His triumphs include, but are not limited to, riding in cars, entering new places, bathing outside, and peeing in the rain.

Today was a rough day for both Morgan and myself. My health condition was making functioning difficult while Morgan was fearful of a smell outside.

Photo by author of Mercury trying to help.

Suddenly, the unexpected happened. The puppy stepped up to help her brother. In turn, helping me, since I could not go rest until Morgan finished with outside activities (pottying).

Mercury encouraged Morgan to take the step out of the door into the backyard. First, she tried by running around him. Then by bringing him toys. Finally, she simply walked up to him, turned and walked down the steps. She showed him it was safe.

Photo by author

Animals often model supportive behaviors that humans should mirror.

When you see someone struggling something as simple as walking beside them, as Mercury did for her brother, you can give someone the fortitude they need to succeed.

Be like Mercury!



Frost Corvus
Morning Musings Magazine

Dog rescuing Witchy Artist who dabbles in writing and sticking her nose into other people’s business.