

C’est le moi que je vois en toi qui m’attire.

C’est le toi que tu vois en moi qui t’attire

Au début quand on s’aime,

On se voit soi-même

Et se soi devient

Peu à peu le même.

(written March 30, 1965, Brentwood School, Essex)



It’s the me that I see in you that attracts me.

It’s the you that you see in me that attracts you.

In the beginning, when you are falling in love

you see yourself,

and the self that you each see little by little

becomes the same.

List of Richard’s other stories, poems, jokes, and essays.



Richard Seltzer
Morning Musings Magazine

His recent books include Echoes from the Attic, Grandad Jokes, Lizard of Oz, Shakespeare'sTwin Sister, To Gether Tales. and Parallel Lives,