Why 90 Percent of Businesses Fail

Tips that can skyrocket your business

Morning Musings Magazine
2 min readNov 17, 2021


An entrepreneur can be an artist like Steve Jobs, who created Apple that became the best smartphone known around the globe, or a genius like Elon Musk, who prevents harmful gas emissions by using electrical energy in vehicles.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

The most important lesson a youngster who aspires to be an entrepreneur can learn is the prime focus should be solving a huge problem. For example, before Uber, there were only taxis that took time arranging for a pickup. Uber simplified short-range travel.

Problems in the market are solved by entrepreneurs. For example, in the early 1990s, no one knew that there would be a marketplace where people could buy merchandise from home using internet stores.

Customers may be more likely to make their purchases from a store that provides ease of sale.

Fear of Competition

Entrepreneurs should not be worried about the competition. The competition provides reasons for product or service improvement.

DVD rental stores assessed a late fee if discs weren’t returned on time. Netflix founder Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph knew what a pain that was to customers. Netflix delivered a movie in the mail within 2–3 days with no late fees.

Fast Service

Customers today want everything to be fast — internet speed, delivery. Amazon delivers within 24 hours to 2–3 days. That’s more convenient than getting in the car, driving, parking, and shopping in a store.

The more comfort a business provides the customer, the more likely the customer will trust you.

Low Cost

Customers love great products with low prices, but it is not always a good thing.

For example, The exclusive Shampoo brand was used only by the wealthy and poverty-stricken people couldn’t afford it. The population of poor people was greater than that of the rich.

In India, Chinni Krishnan partnered with manufacturer “chiki” and formulated a similar shampoo uniquely dispensed in sachets for a much lower price.

If you want to succeed in your business venture, find a problem that your competition hasn’t solved. Develop a solution that considers current and future trends, provides faster service, lowers prices, and builds trust with your customers.

