Wild wallabies welcomed in West Texas

Following the brush fires that swept across West Texas, Wyoming farmers and ranchers hauled truckloads of hay to support struggling cattle producers.

The Wyoming Wildlife and Fish Agency and the Australian Department of Interior and Natural Resources collaborated, on a secret project. After a six month quarantine, the two agencies released kangaroos to the fire-stricken Harper Valley region.

The hope was that introducing the marsupials would stabilize the food chain enough to relocate wolves from the Cowboy State.

Governors Lewis and Martin were meeting about a migrant detention facility near the proposed nuclear power plant in Western Wyoming and were unavailable for comment on April Fool’s Day.



Alan O'Hashi, Views from Behind the Lens
Morning Musings Magazine

Have Typewriter-Will Travel: I’m a filmmaker & author. My book “Beyond Heart Mountain” was just released by Winter Goose Publishing www.beyondheartmountain.com