Keeping it alive, 8/8/20

Nick Hong
Morning Page Diddies
3 min readAug 8, 2020

Keeping it alive with Morning Pages part 5!
Man what a vibe last night!
Hanging with Eli, Jill, Trish, Benji and Park,
Marco and Rebaldo Canterbury, nerrrrrry a weary,
all stayed up past whatever time we usually last
and kept each other company sportsing and horsing around,
laughter abound and some unmentionables
stuck clueless to the ground. 😂

What’s happening today?
Hope we get to hear some sick rooftop tunes from Courtney,
I’d stay to her her play some fire down the wire
into the ears of our desire and spark into our feet,
making us dance into another summer night and stomping us
into a meek Sunday morning.

Alright enough with the inside jokes,
life is always a playful hoax,
remember that when you feel broke inside
and maybe take a peek at these morning pages
when you’re going through stages
of feeling strange and out of place.
Like you’re an alien crashing into the party from outer space,
laced with a taste for connection
but feeling too spicy for most people’s recommendation.

Remember Nick that the people you’re with
and the way you feel around them is always a part of you
and that living from the inside out means that
these alien feelings are just thoughts you don’t need to give into.

I want many things and feel so much,
feelings of being other while looking at brothers.
I realize some people are great at taking me into new heights
but not so great at sitting with me in my lows,
and at times I feel like I need to give myself the gift of flow
to really know that’s just how it goes sometimes.

Nothing wrong with that, they’re just not that way to you,
and it’s important to let them be true to them and you to you.
Remember that through the years you’ve built the gears,
through grit and sand and tears,
to work through anything inside, even if it causes
a few smears and tears and wear on the system.

And it’s not on you or them, learn to blend the bad into the good
and realize the art is in finding the swirl of times beautiful.
That realization is the food that will spiritually fill you,
until you’re past the brim and from within you’ll feel the spark,
the taking of life at whatever arc, the vim.
I’ll speak and break truths at my whim and carry on to win the tides,
ride the summer winds into the fairy tale life I feel within.

Every story needs painful chapters,
and even tragedies have beautiful laughter.
So go on and know that there are still
chapters, volumes, epics to grow into.

You’re not done writing, here or in your life.
You’re so rife with the insights, the chills,
the knocked-over spills of life.
So go and create, you can marinate on life’s nature later.
Start with doing again and think later.

Become once again a creator, so that you can
fill your soul’s lake with stories and visions of more
than what you take but also with the creations of your mind’s eye.
Embrace the visionary within, it’ll be scary but also exciting,
to think and know within you is the power to ignite
and set others alight through doing nothing other than
leap into the nothing and learning to fly,
jumping past your inner walls and inhibitions,
to find your hair swept back and your wings lifted up by intuition.

Lift up and with swift step flip over, do a barrel roll
and laugh with your belly, no need to be jelly.

Now go and flow into the Saturday morning glow.



Nick Hong
Morning Page Diddies

Eng Manager @ Medium. Life coach, amateur poet, kickboxer. Dancing through life.