RIP Walter Mondale

Walter Mondale was involved in two of the most lopsided losses in US presidential politics.

Bill Davis
Morning Sixpack


And yet, we all loved “Fritz.”

Walter Mondale died yesterday, at the age of 93. He was Jimmy Carter‘s VP and ran for President himself in 1984. His running mate? The first woman VP nominee, Geraldine Ferraro.

I watched his 1981 reading of the vote counts, wherein he and Jimmy Carter, the incumbent President, lost to Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush 489 to 44. He laughed. Everybody in Congress laughed. Then they stood up and gave him a standing ovation — that wasn’t condescending.

Good times. Back when politicians didn’t take themselves so seriously and there was HONOR in holding office.

RIP, sir.

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Bill Davis
Morning Sixpack

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