Are you sure you’re not living in your own “Black Mirror” series?

Victim mentality, Drama triangle and a useful tip to unhook yourself from a pleasant illusion

Bút Chì
Morning Tea


Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

I seem to have just awoken from a very long sleep….Then I found myself sitting in my room, staring at the wall and bingle-watching a series of My Own Life — literally my own life. However, this time, I found different things, I recognised different truths. It was an exhilarating experience. It’s like I just watched a new series of “Black Mirror” about my life.

How did I get that new look into the same episodes of my life? I gained it through studying about the Victim mentality, the Drama triangle. And I am so happy now to replace my old lens.

Part 1: Victim mentality and Drama triangle 101

What is the Victim Mentality?

There are quite many sources that you can refer to and after went through many information, here is my take

  1. There aren’t any sum-it-all definitions.
  2. You can recognise this mentality through observing your thoughts and reactions in circumstances, especially in difficult situations.



Bút Chì
Morning Tea

Random serious thoughts about what is happening in my life. My newsletter on Substack (