Finding Rest in the Shepherd’s Presence

Brad Bartlett
3 min readNov 16, 2023

Psalm 23:1–4

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Psalm 23:1–4

When was the last time you truly rested? Not stopping from work to mindlessly scroll your phone or watch TV, but real rest. Rest that comes from being in the presence of the Lord.

Real rest can feel hard to come by in our busy world — especially in an always-on, digitally-connected world. Yet Psalm 23 paints a beautiful picture of the rest God desires for us.

Like a shepherd leading sheep to lush, green meadows, God guides us to places of rejuvenation for our bodies, minds, and spirits. Spending time in His presence fills us with calm and comfort.

Not only does the Lord promise rest, but also protection, comfort, and peace — and who couldn’t use a bit of that these days?

In ancient times, the shepherd’s rod and staff were used to defend and guide the sheep, just as God defends and guides us through life’s darkest valleys and trials.

We have no need to fear evil or hardship because we have the Lord right beside us as our guardian. He doesn’t lead us begrudgingly or like a frustrated parent, but with joy — for His name’s sake!

Psalm 23 points to the eternal glory that awaits all who put their trust in the Lord. More than just a temporary place of rest, God promises to lead us home to dwell in His house forever.

No earthly shepherd could promise such a reward to his sheep. This is the ultimate hope we have in our Divine Shepherd.

As you go through your day today, pause occasionally to rest in the presence of your Shepherd, letting Him lead you to places of refreshment. When challenges arise, remember you are safe in His care.

And amidst it all, set your sights on the eternal glories ahead promised to all His sheep. What a comfort to know such tender care!


Heavenly Shepherd,

Thank you for promising rest, renewal, and guidance for my soul. Lord, so often, I try to navigate life in my own strength and become exhausted.

I confess that I neglect to regularly spend time resting in your presence. I ask you to lead me today to green pastures and quiet waters where I can be refreshed and find peace in you.

When valleys come my way, whether they be physical trials, relational conflicts, financial struggles, or other hardships, remind me of your promise to comfort and protect me. May your rod and staff shelter me from harm and evil. I know that with you beside me, I have nothing to fear.

Most of all, keep my eyes fixed on the glory that awaits all who trust in you. No earthly treasure could ever compare to dwelling in your house forever! I eagerly await the day when I will rest in your presence eternally.

I pray these things in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Morning Brew Maxims

  • God promises rest and renewal when we spend time in His presence. Taking a moment to pause and connect with God can rejuvenate our bodies, minds, and spirits.
  • We can have confidence and security in God’s protection and guidance through life’s darkest valleys. His presence beside us drives out fear.
  • Our ultimate and eternal hope is dwelling forever in God’s house. This life is not the end, and God has prepared an incomparable glory for those who trust in Him.



Brad Bartlett

Professional Freelance Copywriter. ( Musings on #freelancing, #productivity, #self-development, and more!