Leadership Unburdened

Brad Bartlett
3 min readNov 14, 2023

Nehemiah 5:18–19

Today’s Scripture:

Now what was prepared at my expense for each day was one ox and six choice sheep and birds, and every ten days all kinds of wine in abundance.

Yet for all this I did not demand the food allowance of the governor, because the service was too heavy on this people.

Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for this people. (Nehemiah 5:18–19)

Have you ever wondered what it means to truly lead with a generous heart? Is it even possible in today’s world?

Let’s settle into a moment of reflection and consider what it truly means to lead with a heart of generosity.

Our guide for this contemplation is none other than Nehemiah, the governor of Judah, whose story unfolds in the pages of Scripture.

Nehemiah, positioned in power, had access to luxuries and privileges that could easily have insulated him from the struggles of his people. Yet, he looked upon their burdens and, moved by compassion, made a counter-cultural decision.

He set aside his rights, his comforts, and instead chose to bear their burdens alongside them. In this selfless act, Nehemiah embodied the very essence of servant leadership.

This ancient narrative isn’t just a tale of the past; it speaks into the fabric of our daily lives. It challenges us to consider how we, too, might lead with generous hearts.

In the little moments, in the quiet sacrifices — when we share our resources, our time, our very selves — we participate in the kind of leadership that echoes the generosity of Christ.

For in Christ, we find the ultimate model of servant leadership.

He who washed the feet of His disciples, who laid down His life for many, calls us to lead by serving, to find our greatest joy in uplifting others.

Let us then, in the quiet of this moment, offer up a prayer:

Gracious Lord, mold our hearts to mirror Your own. Teach us to lead not from a throne, but from the foot-washing basin. Grant us the courage to serve generously, to love selflessly, and to reflect Your light in every act of kindness. Amen.

As we step forth from this time of devotion, may we carry with us the inspiring example of Nehemiah.

May we be leaders who don’t simply add to the load but strive earnestly to lighten it, to spread God’s gracious love through our everyday actions.

For in doing so, we find the truest expression of leadership.

️️☕ Morning Brew Maxims

  • True leadership is measured not by the height of our position but by the depth of our generosity.
  • A leader’s greatest privilege is to lift burdens, not add to them — this is the heart of servant leadership.
  • Generosity in leadership means giving up our seat at the table to make room for others to thrive.



Brad Bartlett

Professional Freelance Copywriter. (www.bradleebartlett.co) Musings on #freelancing, #productivity, #self-development, and more!