Factory bellows steam and smoke into the horizon of the night sky.

The cure for ‘Industrial Disease’ is deliberate cold exposure.

A constellation of deadly maladies termed “metabolic syndrome” result from excess insulin, called hyperinsulinemia.

Morozko Forge
Morozko: Uncommon Cold
3 min readJan 16, 2020


CEO Morozko Forge, LLC

Mark Knopfler popularized the term ‘Industrial Disease’ in a 1982 song of the same name.

Prior to the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines, the principal cause of death was infectious disease by pathogenic microorganisms.

What’s remarkable in the history of disease is the incredible resistance of medical professionals and societies to what was called “germ theory.” Despite definitive evidence of infection as the principal mechanism disease contagion in 1762, physicians clung to false beliefs in “miasma” and refused to adopt basic sanitation practices like hand washing — even after these practices were proven to save lives.

In our current post-industrial age, infectious disease is no longer the #1 killer. Instead, a much more complex constellation of diseases, including cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and its complications, and Alzheimer’s account for over half the deaths in United States.

What’s remarkable is that all of these diseases have a common root cause called “metabolic syndrome,” yet physicians still stubbornly cling to false beliefs about cholesterol, carbohydrates, saturated fat, and the relationship between nutrition, metabolism, and health. as a consequence, medical institutions stubbornly cling to practices that keep making their patients sicker.

The problem has reached staggering proportions:

Fung & Berger 2016 describe the far-reaching and expensive consequences of “metabolic derangement and its ultimate endpoint… insulin resistance” in this 2016 journal article.

These non-communicable (i.e, non-infectious) diseases are so pervasive that nearly 60% of the American population is now considered obese or overweight, and the range of related medical, and psychological issues related to ‘Industrial Disease’ is almost too broad to comprehend. Table 1 below organizes and describes them.

Croft et al. categorize modern non-infectious diseases originating in disorders of metabolism in this 2015 journal article from the journal Diabesity.

What is now clear to all but traditional, institutionalized physicians is that the quality and quantity of human life depends on regulation of insulin.

And there are only three ways to keep your insulin levels healthy:

  1. Keto eating: low carb, low gylcemic index, fasting, and/or calorie restricted.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Deliberate cold exposure: recruit and activate brown fat, consume blood glucose, and improve insulin sensitivity.

Everyone knows about the importance of diet and exercise.

At Morozko Forge, we specialize in deliberate cold exposure, because it may be the fastest, easiest, and most overlooked healing modality for recovering from the ill effects of modernity.

Morozko isn’t waiting for the medical establishment to imitate the benefits of deliberate cold exposure in a pill, or a surgical procedure. Our experiences of weight loss, health restoration, and metabolic regulation have been so profound that we will continue to experiment with our own protocols, and build a community of practitioners, scientists, biohackers, and engineers for sharing life-saving knowledge.

This article was originally published in Morozko Journal.
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