Chatbots for Marketing — a marketers dream come true

Pratik Jain
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017

Hi Mr. Marketer, don’t be surprised when I tell you that this is what you have been waiting for your entire (professional) life. A magical wizard to do your stuff for you while you get paid better.

Chatbots have been the talk of the town for more than an year now and various businesses are using them in a variety of ways to reap benefits from this new and exciting engagement channel of messaging. While customer support seems like an obvious use case for a chatbot, there are inherent challenges in making a good customer support bot. If you build one without the proper know-how you can end up hurting your customer experience rather than improvising on it. Chatbot Marketing, on the other hand, is an innovative, simple, yet powerful way to earn with chatbots.

Marketing with your chatbots follows a powerful, efficient, yet simple concept of conversational marketing. It is based around talking to the users and telling them about your business, while also understanding from them what they are looking for.

There are various roles your chatbot can play to empower your marketing campaigns:

Bot as a Landing Page

Take your Ad audience to your Facebook Messenger bot and let them engage in an interesting conversation. Your bot can talk in the context of the Ad clicked and help the user understand your offering.
On a typical web landing page, you need to take the email address (or some contact info) from your user to reach back. This question, asking for a contact info, results in a large number of bounce-offs. Bots provide a great advantage here. On this landing destination, you don’t need to ask your users for their contact details, you can keep in touch with them on Facebook Messenger.

The Lead Generator

No more boring forms or ‘contact us’ pages. Collect details from your users through chat. Researches have shown that forms turn people off and most bounce offs result from form pages. Chat, on the other hand, is the most used engagement channel and can cater to a large variety of user personas. With this psychological benefit, collecting information on chat would give you much better results. To add to this, the lead generation bot can also help you follow-up with your users and drive them towards conversion.
TLDR; Collect information, follow up and convert your customers on chat using lead generation chatbot.

Notification Machine

Being a marketer, you ought to be well acquainted with the power of notifications. Be it attractive offers, flash sale, personalized discount coupons or new product launches, you reach out to your users via notifications and inform them about stuff. There are more personal notifications like booking updates, delivery tracking and reminders. Notifications are great ways of keeping in touch if your user has your app. But, not all users have all the apps, but, you know what, all* users do have messengers on their phones! Through chatbots, messengers can be used as powerful and FLEXIBLE notification channels.
Let me explain flexibility. Each of your notification can easily have a dedicated conversation flow attached to it, so unlink your apps, your chatbots can be very dynamic and easy to update. And all updates on bots can be real-time as opposed to apps, obviously.

*Just to be statistically correct, it’s ‘almost all’

The News Guy

Newsletters have taken up a huge chunk of our daily emails. These updates play a significant role in building the relation between the user and the brand, sharing updates about achievements of the company, product updates, market sentiments etc. Keeping the users constantly updated about your company and being on top of their mind increases brand loyalty. Propagating useful content that adds value to the readers also plays a great role in word-of-mouth publicity.

Engagement Engine

Drive user engagement by running interactive Polls, Surveys, Quizzes etc. Your user engagement can shoot through the roof with interesting content like gifs, video clips etc. We are seeing average open rate of around 75% on our platform, which is fantastic.
Did you know? One can share a rich message on Facebook Messenger with his/her friends. You can run promotional referral campaigns to incentivise sharing over messenger and make your content viral. It works like Whatsapp sharing… and we all know the magic that can do.

Feedback Collector

Taking feedbacks on chat would add a personal touch to the otherwise boring process. Reviews and feedbacks have more quality and genuinity when collected one-on-one. You can take crucial business decisions based on the feedback collected. You can choose to respond personally to some feedbacks you receive.

With these awesome tricks in your kitty go ahead and build your fantastic chatbot!

Not sure how to implement these? Signup on and use the power of conversational marketing with chatbots.

