How Artificial Intelligence is changing the game for Social Media

Ashit Malik
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2018

Traditional and new media are fighting for our attention. Nowadays the smartphones are defining the development of the media world. An increasingly important role in this is played by software. Artificial intelligence will be the next game changer.

Let’s take a look at how the world of media will change in the era of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence on Social Media.

Artificial intelligence will become the main distribution mechanism for media

The search engines better than traditional directories solved the problem of information retrieval, and re-commendatory algorithms. Obviously, in the near future they will better cope with the problem of choice: “what to read” and “what to see”.

Already, the recommendations of artificial intelligence are an integral part of our lives. Currently we get these they are available in browsers, personal assistants, social networks and other applications. Of course, we will continue to search for something interesting and listen to the advice of our friends, but increasingly we will be following the recommendations of the smartphone.

Media will be on many platforms

The Internet will be divided into platforms. Platforms today are not only operating systems, but also social networks, messengers, browsers and other type of applications, which millions of people use every day.

The platforms will invest in technology and compete with each other, trying to provide the authors with the best conditions. Traditional web will remain, but will actually become one of the platforms. Editions, brands and authors will work simultaneously on different platforms.

Media will tell interesting stories

Artificial Intelligence will recommend publication, but not the whole brand. So the competition for the audience will be at the level of specific materials. The brighter the story, the more expressive the means, the more chances to attract the audience.

Storytelling will become one of the main trends. Success awaits those who will put on the flow interesting stories using modern mobile formats. Media will be invested in vertical video, online broadcasts, augmented reality, interactive tests, narratives and other formats.

Artificial intelligence will become a co-author

Technological platforms will help create interesting stories. There will be new tools for production of content. For example, artificial intelligence will be able to recommend the author the topic, which is in trend now. Moreover, it’ll predict readers’ interest in the text before it will be published.

Advertising will be interesting

Advertising will become content, and content — advertising. Native advertising will be ubiquitous. The editorial staff will include creative agencies that produce advertising in the form of the same interesting stories.

Simultaneously, people will increasingly buy on the Internet, and the buying process will become simple and transparent. Media will acquire the functions of online stores. In one click, put it in the shopping cart!

Brands will become media

Nothing prevents the brand from becoming media itself. All major brands will start producing content on their own, which will distribute on different platforms. The border between brands and media will be erased. Brands will hire storytelling agencies, whose market will grow rapidly. The content written by these agencies will be self-published and researched through the artificial intelligence which will also reduce the cost given to generate the content through these industries.

Every journalist can become “self-media”

Previously, the authors interacted with the audience only with the mediation of editorial offices and publishers. Today, newspapers with a hundred-year history and bloggers have access to the same distribution channels — which means that any journalist can start working with the audience himself. The author will have a choice: work for someone else’s media brand or try to build one.

Thematic and local media will find their readers

Artificial intelligence will find an audience even for the niche media. The links between specialized content and people with relevant interests will be established automatically — as soon as a person becomes interested in this or that topic. This will enable the small thematic and local media grow.

Professional bloggers will be on the order of magnitude more

Social services provided an opportunity for everyone to share their creativity, which led to an explosive growth in the number of network authors. As a rule, this is creativity for self-expression, without payment.

Only a few bloggers managed to become professionals. In the future, all authors will have the opportunity to earn on their hobby, and professional bloggers will be an order of magnitude greater. The main sources of earnings will be native advertising and micro-payments.

The audience will become part of the media

Artificial intelligence will solve the problem of spam in the comments. The reaction of the audience will be useful and will influence the business of the media. For example, it is possible that the earnings of authors will directly depend on the likes of the audience.

AI gives the power of conversation.

Through AI and social media, the current trend of “engaging into chat” will be used by businesses to reach the customers in a personalised conversational way. Now, an individual customers would be able to contact the brand 24X7 and his tastes and preference and choices would be analysed to alter the marketing strategies on the fly.

About the Author:

Ashish Sharma is the Chief Marketing Officer at WeDigTech, a Mobile App Development Company in Los Angeles California US. He is responsible for marketing activities that have to do with creating, communicating and delivering offerings that have value for clients or business partners. is a state-of-the-art marketing automation tool that uses chatbots to boost marketing and lead-generation campaigns for businesses.
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