Notion and Figma… for data

Keita Mitsuhashi
Morph Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2023

We all come into contact with data every day

We are all exposed to data every day. From social media to e-commerce, data is being generated at an unprecedented rate. However, the tools for managing, analyzing, and visualizing this data are often technical and difficult to use.

We wanted to make a tool that is easy to use on a daily basis. We came up with Morph. By creating an intuitive, flexible and powerful platform, our goal is to make it easy for users to work with data in a way that suits their needs.

What Figma has brought to tech teams

Figma has revolutionized the way design teams collaborate and work together. By providing a cloud-based platform that is easy to use and accessible from anywhere, Figma enabled teams to collaborate seamlessly, regardless of location.

In hindsight, what surprised our team the most was how many opportunities there were to utilize the design tool.

Before we started using Figma, Adobe and Sketch were used in the design process of software projects. Adobe’s tools had a high learning cost and that alone required having an expert on the team. Even in the planning phase and brainstorming sessions for applications, a simple mock-up required a designer to be present or to meet in a meeting room with paper and pen; Sketch was intuitive, but still required software installation and file exchange. Real-time collaboration was not possible.

In this way, it is clear what Figma brought to the table, but what is interesting is that prior to Figma people simply accepted these limitations. The design process always required experts and there was always a buffer in production. All agreed that that was the way it was supposed to be.

Now that we have Figma in our hands, we can share designs and ideas via URLs rather than files, and we can meet at one whiteboard even when we are far away from each other. We use Figma every day, far more than we ever used Adobe.

We believe that this could also be the case with data. This means that working with data = ‘requires experts’ and ‘limited’ is actually just a preconception, which can be rethought.

Notion has become something we open every day.

Before we came across Notion, we had a slight sense of challenge in sharing information within our team. We felt that we wanted to share and stock information more frequently.

At that time, we were using documentation and project management tools for software teams. They were disparate tools and we used them for different purposes, but we were happy with them. As we already had the tools in place, we felt that increasing the frequency of information sharing was something we should manage through our own efforts.

When I started using Notion, I was hopeful that the tool might solve this challenge. The writing experience was good, it was easy to share and I felt that internal documentation was becoming more accessible to everyone. I also saw the value of combining different roles like project management and minutes into one tool.

If I want to know what’s going on with my team or project, I can just open Notion. It has simplified our workflow enormously. Notion’s database functionality was also a big inspiration for us. We have found that it is sometimes very powerful to have different views of the same source.

Sometimes, Notion doesn’t quite fit.

Nevertheless, there are some things Notion is not good at. This is most noticeable when it comes to data.

The Notion database is not designed to handle structured data in the first place. As a result, data aggregation functions are limited and cannot be visualized. In addition, the amount of business-related data is enormous, and we don’t think Notion’s view format is the best format for both viewing and storing it.

We think how great it would be if we could handle data with the same ease of use as Notion.

What we want to achieve with Morph

Taking our cue from these great predecessors, we want Morph to be a tool with the following characteristics:

  • Everyone will be able to work freely with data, even without database or SQL expertise
  • A place where people from different professions with the same goal can work together on data
  • A tool that makes it possible to “just open Morph” when it comes to data.

To achieve this vision, we need your input and feedback from a wide range of industries and backgrounds. We invite you to join us on our journey by following the links below.



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