Our roadmap for Morph 1.0

Keita Mitsuhashi
Morph Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2023

Version 1.0 is an exciting place in software development. It states that this is the product we envisioned when we started out, with the kinks ironed out from Alpha and Beta releases. But it is also the promise of more to come!

In this article, I’ll walk you through Morph’s upcoming features.

1. Out-of-the-box features

You will get an astonishing experience just by putting data into Morph with 1.0.

Notebook / View templates

When you import data from external services such as Stripe or Hubspot, there are common patterns of analysis and visualization you might perform frequently — for example, importing monthly payment data from Stripe, then making one pie chart for expenses and one for revenue.

In the next version, we will make it possible to save and share these patterns as templates, so you don’t have to click through the same buttons every time.


Page is a new view that combines different Views and cells from a Notebook. You can build your own dashboard combining these features for at-a-glance usability.

More integrations

Data import from even more external services will be added.

2. Seamless integration with the outside world

Connecting what you do in Morph to the outside world.

Publishing Views

You can publish your Views and Pages, then share them with a link or by embedding them in an iFrame in a webpage.

Data collection

You can build your data collection flow with 1.0. You’ll be able to import data from RSS feeds, APIs, and newsletters.

3. More AI features

Semantic search

Database searches were generally based on matching values such as strings. However, using the power of AI, it is possible to take into account the meaning of the content, rather than just matching values.

For example, if you searched a database for “Air Max” — a sneaker by Nike — then you would only get that specific model of sneaker (or not) in the results of your search. If you wanted to see other Nike products that would be a different search on a different field, and if you wanted to see sneakers in general then that would be yet another search on yet another field. If a field for ‘sneaker’ did not exist, it would require the collection of a huge amount of data and the operation of a recommendation engine. AI-based semantic search makes it not just possible, but simple. Searching for “Air Max” would show you the Air Maxes in the database, but also recommend other Nikes, and even Adidas.

Computed field

We will be adding a new Field type: Computed Fields. This is a Field that entered as an AI prompt, which will hold the result of the calculation as a value.

Morph 1.0 will come out in October. Stay tuned!

We invite you to join us on our journey by following the links below.

LP: https://www.morphdb.io/

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/8ZcSbDrN6e

Try for free

Morph has a free plan which you can start using right now. Please try it out!

