Turn scattered business data into APIs in just a few clicks

Julien Ergan
Morph Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2023

The ability to access and analyze data from various sources in real-time is a holy grail for business decision making, yet many companies find managing and integrating data from multiple platforms an enormous challenge. This is where Morph’s Data APIs come to the rescue.

Let’s explore how Morph’s Data APIs are simplifying data integration and supercharging operations for businesses.

The challenge: data integration complexities

Businesses today rely on a multitude of platforms and tools to gather and analyze data. Each platform has its own unique data structure, making data integration a complex and time-consuming process.

Traditionally, businesses had to manually collect data from different platforms, transform it into a usable format, and then analyze it. Besides needing a dedicated engineer or engineering team, the delays in data integration meant they often missed out on real-time insights and opportunities to stay competitive.

Morph: a unified approach to Data Integration

Morph’s Data API offers a unified approach to data integration. Here’s how it simplifies the process:

1. Import your scattered data — in just a few clicks

Before accessing the Data API, you can easily import your data to Morph from various sources such as Stripe, Salesforce, Google BigQuery, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Airtable, and Notion (with more integrations added all the time). This can be done with just a few clicks:

  • Click on ‘+Source’
  • Select ‘Import data from other service’ from the dropdown list
  • Choose the desired service and fill in a few required fields like the table name, data source ID, and access token (required fields depend on the platform you’re importing from — check our help docs for more information)
  • Click ‘Create’

The imported data will now be created in a new table in Morph, automatically carrying over the field types and headers. Ta-da! Your data is now ready for analysis.

Easily import your scattered data into Morph, in a few clicks.

2. Create an API for the data you need

From the imported data in Morph, you can choose one of the Data APIs:

  • Query API
  • Create API
  • Update API
  • Delete API
  • Download API
  • Aggregate API

Data APIs provides you with an intuitive and user-friendly interface to streamline data integration. With a few clicks, you can access and begin configuring data queries. Let’s take the example of a Query API.

3. Configure the API without code

The API endpoint URL and the API Key are automatically generated. The code snippet in cURL format is also automatically generated.

You have the option to select or exclude any fields from the Table (data source), to mask some fields, and to apply some filters and sorts.

Create an API for the data you need

About the API Key

Each API key generated by a Data API is specific to the generated endpoint. So you can generate and use the API key only for the endpoint you need.

The API key provides secure access to the selected data sources, ensuring data privacy and integrity.

You API Keys are secret credentials, so make sure to follow best practices for storing, sharing and using them.

4. Integrate into operations seamlessly

Since Morph API’s returns data in a consistent format, regardless on the origin of the imported data, it eliminates the need for complex data transformations.

Your teams are ready to seamlessly integrate the retrieved data into their operations.

Unlocking the power of real-time Data Insights

With real-time access to integrated data from multiple sources, business can monitor trends, make data-driven decisions, and respond promptly to changes in their business environment.

Whether it’s tracking sales performance, understanding customer behavior, optimizing marketing strategies, or enhancing financial analysis, Morph’s Data API empowers businesses to stay ahead of the curve.

Discover the power of Morph’s Data API for yourself and experience the benefits of efficient data integration. Real-time insights are just a few clicks away, and the possibilities are endless.



Julien Ergan
Morph Blog

software developer @Morph | @lewagontokyo grad. | background in water & environmental engineering