European Commision and AI

The European Commission’s approach to AI focuses on excellence and trust. Emotional AI interactive videos powered by MorphCast are safe and risk free.



The European Commission presented in Brussels the proposal for new rules and actions with a very challenging goal: to transform Europe into the world hub for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.

The Commission and Member States agreed to join forces on AI policy and investment in 2018. The revised Coordinated Plan on AI was published in April 2021. It outlines a vision to speed up, act, and align priorities with the current European and global AI landscape and bring strategy into action.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe fit for the Digital Age, said: “On Artificial Intelligence, trust is a must, not a nice to have.”

Fostering trust in AI will create a safe and innovation friendly environment for users, developers and deployers.

The new rules will be applied directly in the same way across all Member States based on a future-proof definition of AI. They follow a risk-based approach: unacceptable risk, high risk, limited risk, minimal risk. High-risk AI systems will be subject to strict obligations before they can be put on the market.

Coordination will strengthen Europe’s leading position in human-centric, sustainable, secure, inclusive and reliable AI.

To remain globally competitive, the Commission is committed to boost innovation in AI technology development and use across all industries, in all Member States. “By setting the standards, we can pave the way to ethical technology worldwide and ensure that the EU remains competitive along the way”, said Margrethe Vestager.

The updated Coordinated Plan will use funding allocated through the Digital Europe and Horizon Europe programmes, as well as the Recovery and Resilience Facility that foresees a 20% digital expenditure target, and Cohesion Policy programmes, to:

  1. Create enabling conditions for AI’s development
  2. Foster AI excellence
  3. Ensure that AI works for people and is a force for good in society
  4. Build strategic leadership in high-impact sectors and technologies

AI can make a big difference in our life. There are many advantages and benefits linked with the AI for citizens, enterprises, public services, democracy and security.

MorphCast has absolute respect for privacy: our AI facial analysis technology doesn’t record or archive any personal data: it has been specifically designed and developed to not identify people. Therefore, it can detect many apparent features of the framed face, analyse facial expressions and features in any web page or app.

MorphCast uses the device’s camera as a sensor, not as a video image recorder.

This AI technology can be considered totally safe and risk-free and can offer new opportunities to provide products and services tailored to customer’s needs gaining also the engagement. It can also facilitate access to information, education and training.

In addition, privacy is guaranteed by the fact that MorphCast accesses personal data (face image) only if granted by the user, only for the time strictly necessary to process the features (about 100 milliseconds), only when the application is active and only for the stated purposes. Such images are never transmitted, recorded or shared with others.

For more background on this you can read the documentation about MorphCast GDPR Disclaimer.

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