Was Flash Player the only pebble on the beach?

Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

In Florence we say “morto un papa se ne fa un altro”, which literally can be translated as “when one pope dies, another is made”, and respecting the Anglo-Saxon tradition can be said: “he’s not the only pebble on the beach”.

I am referring to the death of Flash Player on January 12, 2021. Without dwelling on how Flash Player was born, lived and died, I would like to focus on the void left by this ancient but valid technology that allowed, among other things, an interaction of a user in front of a digital movie. Let me bring a thought from Martin Percy, one of the most famous interactive directors. He has won a BAFTA British Academy Award, five Webby Awards and a Grand Clio: that’s why I consider him an authoritative source on the subject.

Stefano, I guess that your player will become famous precisely because it covers the void that Flash left, and not only because it allows user interaction through its emotions (a never-before-seen film experiences), but precisely because it is the avant-garde tool for making the interactive videos that we did before with Flash, platform agnostic and working in any browser. The interactions the viewer does in the video should be close to what you would naturally do if you were there, so the whole experience should feel natural and intuitive.

What’s more natural than our facial expressions while watching a video? Imagine if you were able to create such a video, even using old materials, that adjusts to the viewer’s emotions and demographic. And how nice it would be to just do it like uploading a file to Dropbox. All this is now possible thanks to the result of an intense and long technological research conducted by the Florentine company Cynny S.p.A., that since 2014 has believed in this possibility by filing the first patents of what today we can consider the excellence in digital entertainment: a video that watches you and reacts to your emotions: MorphCast!

Download MorphCast Studio for free from Microsoft and Apple store and you won’t believe your eyes!

