Blockchain Stereotypes — Questions We Always Wonder

Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2021


This is a special commentary piece by Morpheus Labs. The feedback we often hear, questions often asked by the general public, myths and stereotypes cognate with Blockchain. The article is a commentary piece by a team of enthusiasts within the Morpheus Labs community. It should be read with an open mind and a pinch of salt. There might be things you may or may not agree with, perceptions and views that may not be aligned with yours. We hope this special commentary piece will shed some light on questions the wider public always wanted to hear.

If you like this piece, we hope you can share this article on your social media and help bridge the gap between the blockchain community and the wider public. If you disagree with this piece of article, kindly also share it and let us know why, at Morpheus Labs, we always welcome feedback and sharing sessions. It helps the community and us grow as a whole.

** Kindly note that this article is by a team of enthusiasts ladled with personal feelings and personalised views on certain issues/questions. The views in this article do not reflect or represent the official position of Morpheus Labs as a company. Morpheus Labs takes a neutral stance on such issues and will leave it to domain industry experts, best in their respective fields to address any issues **



Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs

The Blockchain-Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) for prototyping, deploying and operating Dapps at minimal cost and time. |