Morpheus Labs and Waves Announce Partnership To Gear Up for Blockchain Adoption

Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2019

In the past year, a shift has taken place in the Blockchain space, where more and more companies are switching their focus from concept to creation. This shift is deemed crucial to uncover the credible projects that will pave the way for the global adoption of the innovative technology. Enterprises are actively working towards the adoption of new technologies for their existing business models however they face considerable challenges on the resources and the tedious process of digital transformation using blockchain and other technologies.

Morpheus Labs is actively seeking partners that can accelerate and improve the wide range of services that they provide for enterprises seeking to adopt blockchain technology and Waves Platform is a natural choice due to their innovative approach, core competency technology and the common goal to simplify blockchain dApps development.

The partnership involves working together to improve on all verticals, with the priority to integrate Waves core expertise and technology onto Morpheus Labs’ Blockchain Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS), and other areas such as public relations, branding, and marketing.

Integration of Waves onto Morpheus Labs’ BPaaS

The Private Network and Waves dApp development stack that are LIVE on Morpheus Labs’ BPaaS Workspace

Sasha Ivanov, CEO of Waves Platform, underlines that, “The integration of Waves onto BPaaS will streamline the progress to gain access to Waves’ technology into a convenient, user-friendly service, allowing students, developers and businesses to enhance and simplify dApp development without having to develop their own solutions from the ground up.”

The partnership will be beneficial as it will expand the adoption of both Waves’ and Morpheus Labs’ services on a global scale, and pledge the commitment to enrich and build the community through various channels, as well as collaborate on business development and community-centric initiatives. Both parties will also look into organising of online/offline events such as AMAs, hackathons at the later part of the year.

Chuang Pei-Han, CEO of Morpheus Labs, shared that, “In this partnership, Morpheus Labs and Waves Platform will explore ways to enhance the technology to create a fuss-free and better user experience; adding value to enterprises around the world while gearing up for mass adoption. Integrating Waves’ focus on dApp development with their wallet/payment features onto the Morpheus Labs platform not only creates value for our AppLibrary, but will also provide us with the opportunity to expand our presence within the European market.”

About Waves

Waves ( is an open source platform and decentralised environment for Web 3.0 applications, offering a wide range of purpose-designed tools for making the process of creating and running dApps easy and accessible. Launched in 2016 by Sasha Ivanov and a core development team, Waves has since released numerous successful blockchain-based solutions and has steadily developed into a rich and constantly-growing technological platform. Waves’ technology is designed to address the needs of businesses and technology companies that want to leverage the properties of blockchain systems — including their security, auditability, verifiability and the trustless execution of transactions and business logic.

Waves Platform provides everything required to support the backend of Web 3.0 services. In 2017, Waves successfully launched its mainnet with LPoS, its decentralised exchange DEX and later the Waves-NG protocol. In 2018, the Waves development team delivered the first implementation of smart contracts. This was followed by the release of the RIDE programming language in 2019, a simple and powerful language for programming logic. All of this is complemented with a broad infrastructure: an IDE for sandbox development, tools, SDKs, libraries, frameworks and protocols for convenient and easy integrations.


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Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs

The Blockchain-Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) for prototyping, deploying and operating Dapps at minimal cost and time. |