Let’s talk about Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most essential soft skills/ human skills

Anna Natsvlishvili
3 min readOct 22, 2021


Can you remember a person you had as a role model growing up? Was he the maths teacher? The football coach? Or, perhaps, the old lady that used to bake the most delicious cake and share it with every neighbour? What do they have in common and why do we distinguish these people? Surely, the knowledge of the teacher allows him/her to teach, of the coach to train, and undoubtedly the neighbour is well aware of the secret recipe for success for homemade cake. But we did not single them out for their technical skills, did we?

We singled out the teacher because he/she showed patience and understanding when the divisions were very difficult to understand immediately, we remember the coach because when we scored goals he/she was happy with us and when we lost he/she understood our disappointment and we will always remember that the neighbour gave two pieces of cake to the hungriest… We singled out these people for the way they behave, that is, for their soft skills, and in particular, for their Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional… what?

Emotional Intelligence in simple terms is, according to D. Goleman (1995), the acknowledgement, control and handling of emotions, and is a behavioral and cognitive skill. If we have high Emotional Intelligence, then we better understand the feelings, desires and needs of those around us. The relationships we create are based on cooperation, understanding and open communication. When we face a difficulty, we will handle it effectively and flexibly, as we can adapt to new situations and make the most appropriate decisions.

It sounds nice… Is it “contagious”?

This is where the saying “you are not born…, you become…” fits. Emotional Intelligence is learned and evolves throughout our lives. It is so important that without it, we usually struggle in our personal lives, with friends and family, with our employer in our new job. Why is this the case?

When we have high Emotional Intelligence we can observe and perceive social messages. If our friend returns from work and walks intensively inside the house, speaks briskly and is in a bad mood, how will we react? Will we continue watching our favourite series on TV or will we notice the change in his/her behaviour and realise that something has probably happened? If we do the latter, if we acknowledge our friend’s emotions, then it is very likely that we have built a deep friendship, in which freedom of expression and handling of our feelings exist. With Emotional Intelligence, we can create strong relationships, experience greater satisfaction in life and less stress.

Emotional Intelligence, the aftermath

Wait a minute, so, Emotional Intelligence is a skill that can be learned? And allows us to better understand and express effectively what we feel? And, does it help us to communicate better with our family, our friends, our colleagues? In other words, can we also become role models, if we wish to, such as our maths teacher, our football coach and our neighbour?

This is exactly the vision of Morphoses. Together, we will boost our soft skills, such as Emotional Intelligence, through fun activities.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!

If you want to learn more about soft skills then, there you go!



Anna Natsvlishvili

Co-founder of Morphoses — New ed-tech | Endeavor Alumni Computer Engineer with MBA