Beware the Mountain Citadel

#100StoryChallenge (Round 2) №14

Lark Morrigan
Morrigans Wake
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2023


Photo generated by AI with Night Café Studio

I gasp as I rise from ground, blinking and struggling to find my footing.

Before my eyes, I see a grand citadel carved out of the ancient mountainside. The waterfall of crystal blue glows with an otherworldly sheen, as if it has magical properties and a purity that no droplet of water anywhere on Earth can match.

Though the structure is truly a sight to behold, I cannot let myself be deceived. I must infiltrate the citadel and find a way up to the highest tower. There, I will need to steal a sacred goblet made from elvish glass.

Many have attempted to steal the goblet, but none have even come close to getting past the main entrance.

In a dream I had before I ventured on this journey, I saw a secret entrance, one that hasn’t been opened for many centuries.

Should I trust this dream? Or should I find another way?

I look down at the small pool of water beneath the waterfall. I can’t swim. If I attempt this and it proves to be a false dream, I will die.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see some guards approaching from the citadel. I think one has already seen me.

Looks like I have no choice but to trust that what I’d seen was no ordinary dream —

