The Ancient Roman Pool

#100StoryChallenge №24

Lark Morrigan
Morrigans Wake
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2022


Photo generated by AI with Night Café Studio (with permission to use for commercial purposes)

She gazed at the cerulean pool, marveling at the stillness of it.

She was foggy-headed, but the realization that she was no longer in 21st-century American suburbia slowly hit her.

I don’t remember anything I did or anything that happened that brought me here. I remember my life in general — school, my parents, my friends — but not what happened yesterday.

She looked around and analyzed her surroundings. Strange. This place should be in ruins. This pool shouldn’t look so blue. The marble shouldn’t be perfectly spotless.

She found it odd that the past three thousand years had no effect on the water or the marble columns.

Tentatively, she put her toes into the water. After making sure no one was around, she took off her clothes and began swimming in the pool.

Gosh, this feels so refreshing. I could stay here forever. My friends back at home would be so jealous.

“Hello Elyria,” a deep voice said. “At last, we meet again.”

She looked up and saw the most striking golden brown eyes she’d ever seen.

“Elyria? My name’s not Elyria, I’m Hannah. You must’ve confused me for another girl,” she mumbled.

