The Crystal Fountain

#100StoryChallenge №93

Lark Morrigan
Morrigans Wake
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Generated with AI on Night Café Studio (with permission to use for commercial purposes)

On the seventh day, I finally reached the temple where the crystal fountain was rumored to be.

The sight was breathtaking. It was a bright yet deep shade of blue that colored my dreams. Though it appeared as if the waters were frozen, the fountain was known to spout rare forms of crystals with properties that eluded mystics for centuries.

But something troubled me.

How did I get here relatively unscathed?

I faced little opposition along the way. For the past six days, nobody tried to stop me from getting here.

I looked around with wary eyes.

There must be something here that wants to stop me, I can feel it in my bones. I can sense greater dangers that refuse to reveal themselves to me — but I know for certain that nothing worthwhile can be easily won. Especially the crystals from this fountain.

I remembered the words from an ancient book that my parents burned when I was younger.

“Beware the guardians of the crystal fountain. They are unseen, but they are the deadliest foes you will ever meet in your lifetime. Many mystics have come close to the crystal fountain, but none have survived. The guardians possess the highest form of dark magic ever known to man — and even

