The Harp Of Heaven

#100StoryChallenge №27

Lark Morrigan
Morrigans Wake
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2022


Photo generated by AI with Night Café Studio (with permission to use for commercial purposes)

No mage had ever dared to retrieve the harp of heaven.

But Astoria saw what few had seen and it astounded her. Beyond all reason and understanding, she believed that the harp of heaven was within her reach.

“You’re a fool. An utterly useless fool,” the Archmage said to her, shaking his head. He was tired of her stubbornness.

Several days later, an ominous shadow fell across the land, and the enemies of surrounding kingdoms quickly took advantage of this.

“I can see the end already,” the king said, his words heavy with despair. “We are outnumbered. We can no longer see the sun, and so many people are already dying from famine. Our knights are slain by the hour.”

At the next meeting, Astoria proposed her idea.

“A mythical harp in times like these won’t help,” Seamus scoffed.

“If you keep harping on about this, our kingdom will be in ruins. Sacked. We’ll be taken as prisoners or worse, executed,” another mage in her circle, Roland, retorted.

“There are better uses of your time, we do not need any more of your fairy tales,” Murtagh, her former lover, said condescendingly.

None of the mages came to her defense. They nodded in agreement.

