Magnesium Glycinate: Best Nighttime Mag to Aid Sleep

Morris W.
Morris Health
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2020
What makes magnesium glycinate better for sleep aid than other forms of magnesium?
Image: Shutterstock.

Among all the essential minerals and vitamins you can take in supplement form, magnesium is one of the few that may actually have a noticeable effect. That’s largely due to the fact that most people do not get adequate amounts of this mineral from their everyday diet. [1]

If you search any nutrition store for magnesium supplements, you’ll notice that there are numerous different formulations. Magnesium does not come in its pure elemental form, but rather as a salt or chelate compound that consists of magnesium attached to one or more other molecules — examples: magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, magnesium taurate, etc.

Different forms of magnesium salts and chelates vary in their bioavailability (absorption rate), efficacy, benefits and side effects.

When broken down by the body, each magnesium salt/chelate initially yields two parts: magnesium and whatever molecule(s) it is bonded to. For example, magnesium citrate yields both magnesium ions and citric acid (citrate) molecules, each of which has its own effects within the body.

So now that you see how different forms of magnesium may have different benefits and uses, let us just focus on one of the most popular types of magnesium, and that is magnesium glycinate.

Why Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate is an amino acid chelate of magnesium, which consists of one magnesium ion attached to two glycine ions. Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that has some functions in the human body.

By mass, the compound contains about 14% elemental magnesium, so 100 mg of magnesium glycinate yields about 14 mg of pure elemental magnesium upon digestion.

Magnesium glycinate has higher bioavailability than other kinds of magnesium compounds, i.e. it is better absorbed by the body and thus it is a relatively more effective form of oral magnesium supplements. [2]

Another advantage of magnesium glycinate is that because a greater portion of it gets absorbed in the intestines, it is less likely to cause diarrhea compared to other forms. When poorly absorbed, a large percentage of ingested magnesium remains in the intestines and ends up in the colon, where it has a laxative effect.

If you have suffered from diarrhea with other magnesium supplements, this may be the right choice for you. More intestinal absorption = less diarrhea.

A Sleep-Promoting Magnesium

When taking magnesium glycinate you reap the health benefits of both magnesium and glycine.

As far as sleep issues are concerned, magnesium supplementation has been shown to help improve sleep quality, especially for insomniac people and those who don’t get adequate amounts of this mineral from their diet. [3][4]

Glycine also has a positive effect on sleep. [5] Studies found that it improves sleep quality in people suffering from insomnia. [6] Additionally, it has also been found to improve daytime performance and reduce fatigue in sleep-deprived individuals. [7]

For these reasons, this is arguably the best and most beneficial form of magnesium to take before bedtime, particularly for people who have difficulty falling or staying asleep.

Magnesium Glycinate vs. Bisglycinate

You may have noticed that some product labels say magnesium glycinate and others call it magnesium bisglycinate or diglycinate — well, these are just the same compound.

Magnesium bisglycinate is the scientifically accurate name; the compound contains two glycine molecules, hence the prefix “di” or “bis”. For simplicity’s sake, it is often referred to as magnesium glycinate.

Doesn’t Work For Everyone

Although magnesium glycinate has a calming effect in most people, some may experience the opposite effect and it may actually worsen their insomnia. This can be explained by the fact that glycine works as both an inhibitory and an excitatory neurotransmitter. [8]

Based on your body’s chemistry, you may be one of the few people who experience a more excitatory effect when taking magnesium glycinate, and instead of helping you sleep better it may keep you awake longer! The best way to find out if it is the right type for you or not is to try it out yourself.

If the glycinate form isn’t the one for you, the next best option for sleep issues is arguably magnesium threonate. This is also a chelated form that contains threonate (or L-threonate); a derivative of vitamin C. This Mg molecule crosses the blood-brain barrier more efficiently than any other form and it has been studied as a potential treatment for different mental disorders that are linked to low magnesium levels in the brain. [9]

Recommended Magnesium Brands

Two of the best and most affordable magnesium glycinate supplement brands are Kirkman and PureFormulas.

And in case you are interested in magnesium threonate as an alternative, I’d recommend the one from Life Extension.

Note: Magnesium threonate is the most expensive form of magnesium, so it’s a good idea to start with glycinate and only consider threonate in case the former doesn’t work well for you.



Morris W.
Morris Health

Independent researcher and writer exploring the realms of health and nutrition while helping others live a healthier life along the way.