Mortgage Origination Metrics Library (100+ metrics)

The most in-depth public collection of mortgage origination metrics

Vova Pylypchatin
18 min readApr 7, 2024


Operational efficiency in mortgage origination is critical for lenders to stay profitable during market downturns.

However, driving operational improvements is hard without a way to objectively measure the volume, quality, and efficiency of mortgage origination operations.

At the end of the day, how can you know if you’re moving in the right direction without a baseline to compare against?

To provide mortgage operations leaders with the answer, I set out to compile the most in-depth, publicly available mortgage origination metrics library.

This library includes over 100 metrics that quantify the performance of 6 mortgage origination functions, giving operations leaders the data they need to drive operational improvements.

I tried to measure mortgage origination operations from every possible angle, but if I missed something, please drop us a line, and I’ll update the post.

Special thanks to the wonderful Jodie Bayardo from AMEX Mortgage for inspiring the creation of this library.


Mortgage Origination Metrics Library Structure

Below is an overview of what’s inside the library and how it is structured, including:

  • Which operations are measured in the library
  • What types of metrics does the library cover
  • What does each metric type consist of

Initially, I planned to include the framework behind the operational metrics as an introduction to the library. However, it ended up being an over 10k-word endeavor, so I separated it into its own post.

An in-depth guide about the framework behind this operational metrics collection is coming soon.

Operations covered

This library covers metrics measuring the Mortgage Loan Origination operation and its five nested operations:

  1. Mortgage Loan Origination
  2. Mortgage Loan Sales
  3. Mortgage Loan Processing
  4. Mortgage Loan Underwriting
  5. Mortgage Loan Closing
  6. Mortgage Loan Post-Closing

Metrics at the top level of the Mortgage Loan Origination operation offer a higher-level view of the origination process’s performance.

Meanwhile, metrics for the nested operations provide insight into the performance of each step in the mortgage loan origination chain.

Mortgage companies vary in structure and models, so some may not have all these operations. Use the metrics that apply to your organization and disregard the rest.

Operational metrics types covered

Metrics in each operation are divided into 4 groups based on the aspect of operation they measure:

  1. 📊 Operation Volume Metrics → Measure the quantity and volume of work products produced.
  2. 📋 Operation Output Quality Metrics → Measures the quality of the operation’s work products.
  3. 🔄 Operation Function Efficiency Metrics → Measures how efficiently the operation transforms input into work products.
  4. 🪙 Operational Output Financial Metrics → Measures financial aspects of producing a unit of work product like cost, revenue, and profit.

Operational metrics components covered

Each metric consists of a Measure and a Dimension.

  • Measure quantifies the data.
  • Dimension breaks down the Measure to provide additional context.

For example, the metric $ Total Production Volume (per Loan Officer) consists of:

  • Measure: $ Total Production Volume
  • Dimension: (per Loan Officer)

By combining different measures and dimensions, you can derive metrics representing various operational performance aspects.

If we consider all possible combinations of measures and dimensions, there are way more than 100 mortgage origination metrics.

To keep the library digestible, each metric type covers the top 5 most impactful metrics and the Measures and Dimensions used to derive them.

You can use the same Measure x Dimension framework to derive new metrics not covered in the library.

How to Use Metrics From The Library

The library covers more than 100 mortgage origination metrics.

And it’s probably not the best idea to measure all of them.

Measuring everything will give more noise rather than actionable insights.

My approach to make the most out of the metrics measure is to:

Measure what you want to improve

The idea is to identify what operation and aspect of operation you want to improve and focus on measuring only these metrics. Once objectives change, so do the metrics you focus on.

Depending on the size of the mortgage company, several operations leaders are responsible for improving the operations they oversee.

In this case, each operation leader would focus on a set of metrics relevant to their operation, while executive leadership would use higher-level metrics that encompass the performance of all nested operations.


Mortgage Origination Metrics

Function purpose: Produce mortgage loans to generate revenue through interest payments or sales on the secondary market.

Function input: Leads

Function output: Closed Loans

Function agents:

  • Loan Officer
  • Loan Processor
  • Loan Underwriter
  • Loan Closer
  • Loan Post-Closer

📊 Mortgage Origination Volume Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the volume of Mortgage Loans (work product) produced by the mortgage origination function.

Since loans vary in amount, volume is primarily determined by the dollar value of the fully closed, funded, and packaged loan.


  1. $ Total Value of Loans Originated
  2. Loans Originated


  1. per Loan Origination Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Processor (Agent dimension)
  4. per Loan Underwriter (Agent dimension)
  5. per Loan Closer (Agent dimension)
  6. per Loan Post-Closer (Agent dimension)
  7. per Branch (Agent dimension)
  8. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  9. per Loan Product (Output dimension)
  10. per Lead Source (Output dimension)
  11. per FICO Score Bucket (Output dimension)


  1. $ Total Value of Loans Originated (per Loan Officer)
  2. $ Total Value of Loans Originated (per Loan Product)
  3. Loans Originated (per Loan Processor)
  4. $ Total Value of Loans Originated (per FICO Score Bucket)
  5. $ Total Value of Loans Originated (per Lead Sources)

📋 Mortgage Origination Output Quality Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the quality of the Mortgage Loans produced by the mortgage origination function.

Since a loan is an asset, its quality is primarily determined by projected financial performance, default or compliance liabilities risk, and the asset’s attractiveness on the secondary market.


  1. $ Avg Loan Value
  2. Avg Loan Interest Rate
  3. Avg Loan Borrower FICO Score
  4. % Avg Loan LTV Ratio
  5. % Avg Loan Borrower DTI Ratio
  6. % Loan Default Rate
  7. % Loan Buy Back Rate
  8. % Loan Compliance Rate


  1. per Loan Origination Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Branch (Agent dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  5. per Loan Product (Output dimension)
  6. per Lead Source (Output dimension)
  7. per FICO Score Bucket (Output dimension)


  1. $ Avg Loan Value (per Loan Officer)
  2. % Avg Loan LTV Ratio (per Loan Officer)
  3. % Loan Default Rate (per Loan Purpose)
  4. Avg Loan Borrower FICO Score (per Lead Source)
  5. % Loan Compliance Rate (per Loan Product)

🔄 Mortgage Origination Function Efficiency Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the efficiency of the mortgage origination function in transforming Leads into Closed Loans.

The efficiency of the mortgage origination function is primarily determined by the time it takes to originate a loan, the ratio of mortgage origination operations that result in a loan, and the customer experience throughout the process.


  1. Mortgage Loan Origination Cycle Time
  2. % Mortgage Loan Pull-through Rate
  3. Borrower Touches
  4. % Milestone Rework Rate
  5. Customer Satisfaction Score


  1. per Loan Origination Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Branch (Agent dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  5. per Loan Product (Output dimension)
  6. per Lead Source (Output dimension)


  1. % Mortgage Loan Pull-through Rate (per Loan Origination Date)
  2. Mortgage Loan Origination Cycle Time (per Loan Officer)
  3. % Mortgage Loan Pull-through Rate (per Loan Officer)
  4. Mortgage Loan Origination Cycle Time (per Loan Product)
  5. % Milestone Rework Rate (per Loan Purpose)

🪙 Mortgage Origination Output Financial Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the financial performance of individual mortgage loans produced by the mortgage origination function.

Since a loan is an asset, its financial performance is determined by the cost of labor required to originate the loan and the cost of capital.


  1. $ Mortgage Loan Origination Cost per Loan
  2. $ Mortgage Loan Origination Revenue per Loan
  3. $ Mortgage Loan Origination Profit per Loan
  4. % Mortgage Loan Interest Rate Spread per Loan
  5. % Labor Expense as Percentage of Loan Origination Cost


  1. per Completed Loan Application Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)


  1. $ Mortgage Loan Origination Cost per Loan (per Completed Loan Application Date)
  2. $ Mortgage Loan Origination Profit per Loan (per Loan Officer)
  3. $ Mortgage Loan Origination Revenue (per Loan Officer)
  4. % Labor Expense as Percentage of Loan Origination Cost (per Loan Officer)
  5. % Mortgage Loan Interest Rate Spread per Loan (per Loan Officer)

Mortgage Sales Metrics

Function purpose: Generate complete Loan Applications

Function input: Leads

Function output: Complete ****Loan Application

Function agent: Loan Officer

📊 Mortgage Sales Volume Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the amount of qualified loan applications produced by the mortgage sales function.

Since loans vary in amount, volume is primarily determined by the dollar value of the complete loan application that is ready for processing.


  1. $ Value of Loan Applications Taken
  2. Loan Applications Taken


  1. per Completed Loan Application Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Lead Source (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  5. per Loan Product (Output dimension)
  6. per FICO Score Bucket (Output dimension)


  1. Loan Applications Taken (per Loan Officer)
  2. $ Value of Loan Applications Taken (per Lead Source)
  3. $ Value of Loan Applications Taken (per Loan Product)
  4. Loan Applications Taken (per Loan Purpose)
  5. $ Value of Loan Applications Taken (per FICO Score Bucket)

📋 Mortgage Sales Output Quality Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the quality of the Loan Applications produced by the mortgage sales function.

Loan Applications serve as an input for subsequent operations in mortgage origination. Thus, their quality is primarily determined by how effectively they result in a closed loan and the quality of the loan that results from the application.


  1. % Application to Approval Rate
  2. % Loan Application Pull-Through Rate
  3. $ AVG Loan Application Value
  4. AVG FICO Credit Score
  5. % AVG LTV Ration
  6. % AVG DTI Ration


  1. per Completed Loan Application Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Lead Source (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  5. per Loan Product (Output dimension)


  1. % Application to Approval Rate (per Loan Officer)
  2. % Loan Application Pull-Through Rate (per Lead Source)
  3. $ AVG Loan Application Value (per Loan Product)
  4. AVG FICO Credit Score (per Lead Source)
  5. % AVG LTV Ration (per Loan Officer)

🔄 Mortgage Sales Function Efficiency Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the mortgage sales function’s efficiency in transforming Leads into Loan Applications.

The efficiency of the mortgage sales function is primarily determined by the time it takes to convert a lead into a Loan Application and the drop-off rate in the process.


  1. Mortgage Loan Sales Cycle Time
  2. % Mortgage Loan Lead to Application Conversion Rate


  1. per Completed Loan Application Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Lead Source (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  5. per Loan Product (Output dimension)


  1. Mortgage Loan Sales Cycle Time (per Loan Officer)
  2. % Mortgage Loan Lead to Application Conversion Rate (per Loan Officer)
  3. Mortgage Loan Sales Cycle Time (per Loan Product)
  4. % Mortgage Loan Lead to Application Conversion Rate (per Lead Source)
  5. Mortgage Loan Sales Cycle Time (per Lead Source)

🪙 Mortgage Sales Output Financial Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the financial cost of individual Loan Applications produced by the mortgage sales function.

A Loan Application costs are determined by the labor and vendor costs required to produce it.


  1. $ Mortgage Loan Application Cost


  1. per Completed Loan Application Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Officer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Lead Source (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Output dimension)
  5. per Loan Product (Output dimension)


  1. $ Mortgage Loan Application Cost (per Loan Officer)
  2. $ Mortgage Loan Application Cost (per Lead Source)
  3. $ Mortgage Loan Application Cost (per Loan Purpose)
  4. $ Mortgage Loan Application Cost (per Loan Product)
  5. $ Mortgage Loan Application Cost (per Loan Application Date)

Mortgage Loan Processing Metrics

Function purpose: Prepare the Loan Application Package with all the documentation required for Underwriting to approve or deny a Loan Application.

Function input: Loan Application

Function output: Loan Application Package

Function agent: Loan Processor

📊 Loan Processing Volume Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the volume of Loan Application Packages produced by the mortgage loan processing function.

Since the work required to produce a Loan Application Package does not depend on the Loan Value, volume is determined by the number of Loan Applications processed and submitted for underwriting.


  1. Loan Application Processed


  1. per Loan Package Submission Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Processor (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. Loan Application Processed (per Loan Processor)
  2. % Loan Application Processed (per Loan Purpose)
  3. Loan Application Processed (per Loan Product)
  4. % Loan Application Processed (per Loan Product)
  5. Loan Application Processed (per Loan Package Submission Date)

📋 Loan Processing Output Quality Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the quality of the Loan Application Packages produced by the mortgage loan processing function.

Since the Loan Application Package is utilized by the Underwriting function, its quality is determined by the impact on the efficiency of the underwriting function and on underwriting decisions.


  1. % Underwriting First-Pass Approval Rate
  2. % Complete Mortgage Loan Package Submission Rate
  3. % Loan Application Approval Rate
  4. Time To Underwriting Decision


  1. per Loan Package Submission Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Processor (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. % Underwriting First-Pass Approval Rate (per Loan Processor)
  2. % Underwriting First-Pass Approval Rate (per Loan Product)
  3. % Loan Application Approval Rate (per Loan Processor)
  4. % Complete Mortgage Loan Package Submission Rate (per Loan Processor)
  5. Time To Underwriting Decision (per Loan Product)

🔄 Loan Processing Function Efficiency Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the efficiency of the mortgage loan processing function in processing Loan Applications.

The efficiency of the mortgage loan processing function is primarily determined by the time it takes to process a Loan Application, the number of processing operations that result in a complete loan application, and the borrower’s experience throughout the process.


  1. Mortgage Loan Processing Cycle Time
  2. % Mortgage Loan Processing Conversion Rate
  3. % Mortgage Loan Processing Withdrawal Rate
  4. Borrower Touch Points To Process Loan


  1. per Loan Package Submission Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Processor (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. Mortgage Loan Processing Cycle Time (per Loan Processor)
  2. % Mortgage Loan Processing Conversion Rate (per Loan Processor)
  3. % Mortgage Loan Processing Withdrawal Rate (per Loan Processor)
  4. Borrower Touch Points To Process Loan (per Loan Processor)
  5. Borrower Touch Points To Process Loan (per Loan Product)

🪙 Loan Processing Output Financial Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the cost of producing a single Loan Application Package by the mortgage origination function.

A Loan Application Processing costs are determined by the labor and vendor costs required to produce it.


  1. $ Mortgage Loan Processing Cost


  1. per Loan Package Submission Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Processor (Agent dimension)


  1. $ Mortgage Loan Processing Cost (per Loan Processor)
  2. $ Mortgage Loan Processing Cost (per Loan Package Submission Date)

Mortgage Loan Underwriting Metrics

Function purpose: Assess Loan Application against guidelines and make a decision whether to approve or deny the loan

Function input: Loan Package

Function output: Underwriting Decision

Function agent: Underwriter

📊 Loan Underwriting Volume Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the volume of Loan Decisions produced by the mortgage underwriting function.

The work product volume of the loan underwriting function is primarily defined by the total number of loan applications denied or approved.


  1. Underwriting Decisions Made


  1. per Decision Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Underwriter (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)
  5. per Decision Outcome (Output dimension)


  1. Underwriting Decisions Made (per Underwriter)
  2. Underwriting Decisions Made (per Decision Date)
  3. % Underwriting Decisions Made (per Loan Product)
  4. % Underwriting Decisions (per decision Outcome)
  5. % Approval Rate
  6. % Denial Rate
  7. Underwriting Decisions Made (per Decision Date)

📋 Loan Underwriting Output Quality Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the quality of the Underwriting Decisions produced by the mortgage underwriting function.

The quality of underwriting decisions is primarily determined by the extent of compliance with guidelines and the accuracy of risk assessment.


  1. % Guideline Compliance Rate
  2. % Inaccurate Loan Denial Rate
  3. AVG Post Closing Risk Rating Gap
  4. % Loan Delinquency Rate
  5. % Loan Default Rate


  1. per Decision Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Underwriter (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)
  5. per Decision Outcome (Output dimension)


  1. % Loan Delinquency Rate (per Loan Underwriter)
  2. % Loan Delinquency Rate (per Loan Product Type)
  3. % Loan Default Rate (per Loan Underwriter)
  4. % Inaccurate Loan Denial Rate (per Loan Underwriter)
  5. AVG Post Closing Risk Rating Gap (per Loan Underwriter)

🔄 Loan Underwriting Function Efficiency Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the efficiency of the mortgage underwriting function in producing Underwriting Decisions.

The efficiency of the underwriting function is primarily determined by the time it takes to make a decision and the percentage of loan applications received for underwriting that result in a decision.


  1. Mortgage Loan Decision Cycle Time
  2. % Underwriting Withdrawal Rate
  3. % Underwriting Completion Rate


  1. per Decision Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Underwriter (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)
  5. per Decision Outcome (Output dimension)


  1. Mortgage Loan Decision Cycle Time (per Underwriter)
  2. Mortgage Loan Decision Cycle Time (per Loan Product)
  3. Mortgage Loan Decision Cycle Time (per Decision Outcome)
  4. % Underwriting Completion Rate (per Underwriter)
  5. % Underwriting Withdrawal Rate (per Underwriter)

🪙 Loan Underwriting Output Financial Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the cost of Underwriting Decisions produced by the loan underwriting function.

The cost of an Underwriting Decision is determined by the labor and vendor costs required to produce it.


  1. $ Loan Underwriting Decision Cost


  1. per Decision Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Underwriter (Agent dimension)


  1. $ Loan Underwriting Cost per Decision (per Underwriter)
  2. $ Loan Underwriting Cost per Decision (per Decision Date)

Mortgage Loan Closing Metrics

Function purpose: Turn an approved Loan Application into a finalized loan agreement, disburse funds, and transfer property ownership.

Function input: Approved Loan Application

Function output: Closed Loan

Function agent: Loan Closer

📊 Loan Closing Volume Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the volume of Closed Loans (work product) produced by the mortgage closing function.

The volume of Closed Loans is determined by the total count of fully funded loans.


  1. Loans Closed


  1. per Loan Application Received Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Closed Date (Time dimension)
  3. per Loan Closer (Agent dimension)
  4. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. Loans Closed (per Loan Closer)
  2. Loans Closed (per Loan Closed Data)
  3. % Loans Closed (per Loan Product)
  4. % Loan Applications Received for Closing (per Loan Product)
  5. Loan Applications Received for Closing (per Loan Application Received Date)

📋 Loan Closing Output Quality Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the quality of Loan Closings produced by the mortgage closing function.

The quality of a Loan Closing is primarily determined by the accuracy of funding and loan documentation.


  1. % Closing Documents Accuracy Rate
  2. % Compliance Adherence Rate
  3. % Funding Error Rate:
  4. % Closing On-Time Rate:
  5. # Customer Closing Satisfaction Score


  1. per Loan Closed Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Closer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. % Closing Documents Accuracy Rate (per Loan Closer)
  2. % Compliance Adherence Rate (per Loan Closer)
  3. % Funding Error Rate: (per Loan Closer)
  4. % Closing On-Time Rate: (per Loan Closer)
  5. Customer Closing Satisfaction Score (per Loan Closer)

🔄 Loan Closing Function Efficiency Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the efficiency of the loan closing function in closing loans.

The efficiency of the loan closing function is primarily determined by the time it takes to close a loan and the percentage of approved loans that result in a closed loan.


  1. Mortgage Loan Closing Cycle Time
  2. % Mortgage Loan Closing Withdrawal Rate


  1. per Loan Closed Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Closer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. Mortgage Loan Closing Cycle Time (per Loan Closer)
  2. % Mortgage Loan Closing Withdrawal Rate (per Loan Closer)
  3. Mortgage Loan Closing Cycle Time (per Loan Product)
  4. % Mortgage Loan Closing Withdrawal Rate (per Loan Product)
  5. Mortgage Loan Closing Cycle Time (per Loan Closed Date)

🪙 Loan Closing Output Financial Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the cost of producing a Loan Closing by the loan closing function.

The cost of a Loan Closing is determined by the labor and vendor costs required to produce it.


  1. $ Loan Closing Cost


  1. per Loan Closed Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Closer (Agent dimension)


  1. $ Loan Closing Cost (per Loan Closer)
  2. $ Loan Closing Cost (per Loan Closed Date)

Mortgage Loan Post-Closing Metrics

Function purpose: Ensure completeness and compliance of the closed loan package so the loan is ready for servicing or transferring to a secondary market investor.

Function input: Closed Loan

Function output: Closed Loan Package

Function agent: Loan Post-Closer

📊 Loan Post-Closing Volume Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the volume of Closed Loan Packages produced by the mortgage closing function.

The volume of Closed Loan Packages is determined by the total count of Closed Loans that have been packaged and are ready for servicing or transfer to a secondary market investor.


  1. Closed Loan Package


  1. per Package Completion Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Post-Closer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)
  4. per Loan Purpose (Input dimension)


  1. Closed Loan Packages (per Loan Post-Closer)
  2. Closed Loan Packages (per Package Completion Date)
  3. Closed Loan Packages (per Loan Product)
  4. % Closed Loan Packages (per Loan Product)
  5. % Closed Loan Packages (per Loan Purpose)

📋 Loan Post-Closing Output Quality Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the quality of Closed Loan Packages produced by the mortgage post-closing function.

The quality of a Closed Loan Package is primarily determined by the readiness of the loan to be serviced or sold to a secondary investor.


  1. % Audit Compliance Rate
  2. % Investors Rejection Rate
  3. % Loan Repurchase Rate


  1. per Package Completion Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Post-Closer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. % Audit Compliance Rate (per Loan Post-Closer)
  2. % Investors Rejection Rate (per Loan Post-Closer)
  3. % Loan Repurchase Rate (per Loan Post-Closer)
  4. % Investors Rejection Rate (per Loan Product)
  5. % Loan Repurchase Rate (per Loan Product)

🔄 Loan Post-Closing Function Efficiency Metrics

Metrics in this group quantify the efficiency of the loan post-closing function in producing Closed Loan Packages.

The efficiency of the loan post-closing function is primarily determined by the time it takes to produce a Closed Loan Package.


  1. Mortgage Post-Closing Closing Cycle Time
  2. Days to Clear Post-Closing Conditions
  3. Final Title Policy Issuance Time


  1. per Package Completion Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Post-Closer (Agent dimension)
  3. per Loan Product (Input dimension)


  1. Mortgage Post-Closing Closing Cycle Time (per Loan Post-Closer )
  2. Days to Clear Post-Closing Conditions (per Loan Post-Closer)
  3. Final Title Policy Issuance Time (per Loan Post-Closer)
  4. Mortgage Post-Closing Closing Cycle Time (per Loan Product)
  5. Days to Clear Post-Closing Conditions (per Loan Product)

🪙 Loan Post-Closing Output Financial Metrics

Metrics in this group measure the cost of producing a Closed Loan Package by the loan post-closing function.

The cost of a Closed Loan Package is determined by the labor and vendor costs required to produce it.


  1. $ Closed Loan Package Cost


  1. per Package Completion Date (Time dimension)
  2. per Loan Post-Closer (Agent dimension)


  1. $ Closed Loan Package Cost (per Loan Post-Closer)
  2. $ Closed Loan Package Cost (per Package Completion Date)

Tracking Operational Mortgage Metrics

I hope this library gives you a better idea of the mortgage origination metrics you can use to drive operational improvement.

An operational metric is only relevant if it’s measured accurately and consistently and reflects operational performance in real-time or near-real-time.

If you face challenges with tracking operational mortgage metrics, feel free to reach out.

Our team helps mortgage lenders leverage operational mortgage data analytics to drive operational improvements and profitability.



Vova Pylypchatin

Hey, 👋 I’m a software product and engineering guy. Currently I'am running mortgage software consulting & development company