Obtaining Specific Account Transaction Histories

Melissa Nichols
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2024

Another common challenge is obtaining account transaction histories that align with the specific timeline of a real estate transaction. While monthly statements provide a good overview of account activity, they may not always include the level of detail needed to document a particular transaction.

In these cases, it may be necessary to request a more specific transaction history from the bank. This history should cover the exact date range needed to prove that funds were deposited or withdrawn in relation to the transaction in question.

For example, if you need to prove that an escrow deposit was withdrawn from your client’s account on a specific date, you may need to request a transaction history that covers that exact date, rather than relying on a monthly statement that may not include that level of detail.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog- https://www.mwloan.com/blog/navigating-bank-statements-for-coachella-valley-real-estate-transactions
Or give us a call: (760) 883–5700

