Mum, I want to open a coworking space!

Roberta Lo Porto
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017

1991: Mum, I’m going out! I want to sell bracelets and necklaces made with the shells we picked up at Scoglitti (small Sicilian village on the seaside).

1994: Mum, invite your friends this afternoon, I want to give a performance for all of you.

1996: Mum, I want to be like “Il Maresciallo Rocca” (Italian tv series).

1997: Mum, I’m going with granma to sell the “Bimby” to the people.

…..and then, last year:
2016: Mum, I want to open a coworking space!

And here we are, I’m 33, I live in Valencia, I’m a freelancer, in particular I’m a graphic and web designer, Mosaico Coworking just turned one year and this is my first article on Medium.

“Do you simply rent desks?” “Ah, like a bed and breakfast, but with offices instead of beds?” “Do you mean desks with no laptop?”

Everytime I reply to this kind of questions, I’m always afraid not to be clear.

A coworking space is a place where you can work, where there are colleagues that are not real colleagues, where you can speak different languages, where you collaborate, you go out and have fun with others, sometimes there is confusion all around but I can assure you that you work better than at home or at the office.

What I love most is the passion and the desire to work spread by every coworker.
You just need to give a look at your desk neighbour and you are struck by this willing to work. We are growing up together, day by day, and our complicity is amazing.
I’m getting to know a lot of interesting people, different cultures and everyday I speak (or better, I try…) a thousand languages! I’ve found collaborators, clients and what is most important, friends.

Opening Mosaico is one of the most beautiful choices I could do 😊

My mother says: Mosaico Coworking is my daughter’s! It is a very cosy place, full of energy, where you work together, in the center of Valencia. And there’s a lot of light, you have to see the beautiful floor and people is very interesting.

You know, mum is always mum!

Happy Birthday Mosaico

What about you? Are you a freelancer? Have you ever thought to enter in a coworking community? If you come to Valencia, come visit us!🙋🏻



Roberta Lo Porto

MKT @Yegovalencia 🛵 | Co-Founder @mosaicovalencia | Women Techmakers Lead @wtmvalencia 👩🏻‍💻