Announcing Mosendo’s Educational Crypto-Internship Program

Clayton Roche
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2019

As part of our Road To Adoption, the team at Mosendo is excited to announce our Educational Crypto-Internship Program. This program will give college students essential knowledge and experience to work in the industry, and fill a gap that exists in current school curriculum.

Students are Hungry for this Opportunity

Our pilot program was oversubscribed, and we are excited to start with a team of four sharp students. They are all studying in the United States, and are from Brazil, Eswatini, America, and Pakistan. They are all majors in Economics, and will be participating in our educational program as well as supporting our international development team.

Educational Content

We decided early on that this program would not simply be about moving Mosendo forward. Instead, we see this as an opportunity to equip students with the conceptual framework to work in the cryptocurrency field. For this reason, we have developed a 6-module, 3-month course that will combine curated educational content covering both cryptocurrency and traditional fields of finance and economics.

Graduate level course on Money and Banking from Columbia University

This content will be paired with group discussion Zoom calls, Slack debates, and applied assignments. We believe that work experience paired with the educational content will provide students with a better understanding than just one or the other. It could be considered something of an applied “Crypto 101.” It is not intended to be sufficiently technical to train developers.

In addition to training related to cryptocurrency, interns will enter the world of decentralized work, becoming familiar with collaborative software, time zones, video calls, and communication channels.

Better to Give it Away

It is our hope that this program can integrate with the crypto community in direct ways. This means that interns will be asked to produce content related to what they have learned, that we may record certain panels and discussion for distribution, and external subject experts and startup founders can be invited to deliver “guest lectures.”

Furthermore, it is our intention that this program can serve both its stated purposes in the narrow sense explained here, and the broader purpose of being a proof of concept for other crypto projects and educational initiatives to emulate.

If we are able to design a system that attracts students and prepares them to join the crypto space anywhere at all, we consider that a WIN. With this in mind, we are happy to share what we learn with the wider community.

The Road to Adoption is Paved with Good Interns

Opinions vary on our team as to if the cryptocurrency revolution is inevitable or requires swift action to manifest. We all agree, however, that the Road to Adoption will be a smoother and faster ride if we all contribute to building it. We at Mosendo see this educational internship program as a way to do our part. By equipping students with the experience, knowledge, and most importantly, inspiration — we hope to strengthen the foundation that will launch the world into this new era.

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If what we are doing resonates with you, there are a few ways to continue this conversation and bring this vision to life.

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