Reported Ukrainian anarchist/Antifa unit (Source: The Resistance Committee, Telegram)

Ukraine: A battle for existence

Russian state media reveals Putin’s plan to deny nationhood

Paul Mason
7 min readFeb 28, 2022


  • Defend Ukraine
  • Support the Russian and Belarus opposition
  • Maximum sanctions to collapse the Putin/Lukashenko state
  • Open Europe and the UK’s borders to refugees from Ukraine, of every ethnicity
  • Arms, aid, debt relief and medical help to Ukraine
  • Putin, Kadyrov and Lukashenko to The Hague

Events in Ukraine’s battle for existence are moving fast. The military situation is summarised by ISW:

  • Russian forces are stalled outside Kyiv
  • Up to 4,000 Wagner group operatives have been deployed into Kyiv to decapitate the government
  • Mariupol is surrounded; Kharkiv was attacked but repulsed the offensive
  • Russian territorial advances continue in the south, and on the Konotop-Kyiv axis.
  • Russia conducted missile strikes out of Belarus, with Lukashenko indicating his troops may join the conflict
  • An “operational pause” in response to the initial setbacks is expected to end today with a renewed offensive



Paul Mason

Journalist, writer and film-maker. Author of How To Stop Fascism.