Buzzing Swarm — The Folks behind Mosquitobyte

Yannick Lung
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2017

Ever wondered who is behind the team of Mosquitobyte? Well, today we take a closer look at our individual mosquitos, highlighting the roles and responsibilities each member takes.

Yannick — Game Producer

As the game producer, my responsibility will be to keep the process of developing a game organized and focused. In moments of lacking creativity my job is to keep motivation and inspiration alive.

Since I’ve been working in the app business for a few years now, I know what matters and what doesn’t. Regarding the fact games being a completely different topic compared to apps, the strategies getting to the result are quite similar.

I think the most challenging part will be to build a game in a given timespan. Therefore it is necessary to ensure a working communication while staying productive in the team. Moreover it will be hard to craft a game which is not just fun but also logical and understandable.

Fiona — Game Artist

Hi, my name is Fiona and within this project I will be the game designer.

The most challenging thing in this position, as I believe, is to convey a message, a certain atmosphere, only with the design of the game.

Since our topic is a quite serious one, it won’t be too easy to communicate it correctly, without creating a wrong impression or playing it down. I hope to achieve this in staying honest, but adding a slight portion of humor, so despite the serious topic it will be fun to play.

My goal is to create a quite versatile game, an experience you can’t get tired of.

Paul — Game Designer

Being responsible for screen and editorial design, my aim is to support the core principles of Mosquitobyte.

In particular I will deal for example with the landing page, the clickable items, the score overview and much more within the game, furthermore with the concept document.

The most challenging task will be to unify the input of my team members into one good design. Yet I look forward to a great teamwork.

Martin — Game Developer

My name is Martin and I’m the artist/programmer. In the past I already programmed and designed several small games, hence I know what it takes to create a functional game.

Since animation is my passion, I’ll be in charge of designing and bringing the characters to life.

The most challenging part for me is adapting to other’s styles and creating consistent visuals but I’m confident that my teammates and I are very compatible and we’re going to work it out for sure!

The Team — Game Testers

During the development progress all members of Mosquitobyte will test the game continuously. As an example, one method would be to test it on paper with basic hand-drawn mockups. Another method is testing the game with real code.

The challenge will be to consider any scenario that could happen while playing the game. For this reason, we need to try “breaking“ the game in order to find any circumstance.



Yannick Lung

I design both icons and apps but also for the web.