Introducing Jones

Thoughts on Our First Mobile Game

Yannick Lung
3 min readNov 29, 2017


After hours of discussion we finally decided what our very first mobile game will be about and what it should be called. Today we’d like to introduce Jones, an endless runner about drug consumption and the impact on our mental and physical health.

Brainstorming & Defining Features

Right in the beginning it was clear that we wanted to make an arcade game where a character would run through a 2D world. However we weren’t sure about the topic the game should deal with. After some thinking we came to the conclusion to build a game considering health. In detail, we thought it would be great to have a game about drugs and their addictions that can be caused by too heavy consumption. While playing Jones, the player should be informed in general but also learn about the consequences. Therefore our target audience will be people aged above 16 since this is an age where most people make their first experiences with drugs, such as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

Additionally we thought of mechanics such as having an one button experience or using multiple buttons during the game. We also discussed things like if the game should have levels or if it is supposed to be an endless runner.

Nailing the Name

Coming up with a title for our game was relatively easy, compared to finding a company name. In order to illustrate the progress we used a certain approach to find the title:

  1. We first thought of using the word addiction within the name though this ideas was kicked quite fast.
  2. Next we agreed not having the word runner in our name.
  3. Coming back to addiction we searched for alternatives or rather synonyms.
  4. One result was Jones which is being used in slang language and is especially connected to heroine addiction.
  5. As we quite liked Jones, we further thought of other word combinations using the word Jones. For instance we came up with Jones Escape or later Jonescape.
  6. Nevertheless we decided to stick to the name Jones itself as it already introduces our main character Jones. Additionally, due to its short name, it is easy to remember, also in other countries on the globe. Lastly, it hints at being addicted which is “great“ since our game will be about drug addiction.

Please welcome Jones, our first mobile game. We can’t wait to share further details, so stay tuned!



Yannick Lung

I design both icons and apps but also for the web.